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Everything posted by bluezing

  1. 1) 5L Co2 Cylinder .still left more than 1/2 full 2) JBJ Solenoid 3) Normal plastic bubble counter 4) 300 grams biohome (normal type) FREE glass ceramic diffuser,black air tube (thick type), 1 pack of coral chips and some normal air tubes. The above are sold as a set. all for $210. If able to deal tomoro, price will be $200. Self collection at sengkang. my contact no. 97969496.
  2. aye bro~ can collect today? i stay sengkang too sms or call me 97969496 ..thks~
  3. wah lao... damn sad man.. went to the storeroom to take out the items. realised the JBJ bubble counter is broke!! :( but the valve part is still able to be use. meaning there will be no water backflow into the cylinder if off. i MUST and WILL find out the culprit!!! grrr.. ok, here is the latest revamped package due to this incident: 1) 5L Co2 Cylinder (NA type) still left more than 1/2 full 2) JBJ Solenoid 3) Normal plastic bubble counter 4) 300 grams biohome (normal type) FREE glass ceramic diffuser,black air tube (thick type), 1 pack of coral chips and some normal air tubes. The above are sold as a set. all for $210. Take EVERYTHING and able to deal this weekend for $200. Self collection at sengkang. my contact no. 97969496. pls sms me 1st. *pictures will be uploaded shortly
  4. ok..here are the items for sale: 1) 5L Co2 Cylinder (NA type) still left 1/2 full 2) JBJ Solenoid 3) JBJ bubble counter FREE glass ceramic diffuser,black air tube (thick type) and normal plastic bubble counter The above are sold as a set. all for $220. 4) 300 grams biohome (normal type) - $10 Take EVERYTHING and able to deal this weekend for $210. Self collection at sengkang. my contact no. 97969496. pls sms me 1st. Thanks~
  5. nice...i am looking for one actually~
  6. just a quick update for future members who might be interested... i've got a hermit crab recently. red colour...not sure what is its name. but it cleared almost 50% of my sandbed's diatom!!!! amazing! had a pleasant surprise when i came back the other day to see it munching al clearing it away...hehe
  7. long ge...u also post jokes in here ah? lol
  8. hi hi bro~ i kinda agree with u... but each forum has their own culture. likewise for human being, each of us have our own character.thats what makes this world such an interesting (though sad at times) place to live in. but i really do see where u r coming from... 2 thumbs up for you for reiterating this point across to us.. ps: apologise for my "..." and non-existence of captial letters, and poor grammar as well
  9. muar chee... do u go to edmw? i tink u will feel very much rike home ober there~ hehe
  10. btw .... snail do help with diatom~ 10% of those diatom on my lrs all gone.... but u noe la...being snail...it is slow... i only have 1 snail btw...maybe if i buy 20, all diatom will be gone!
  11. cool!~ i din noe they will die off naturally... i always thought they need to be scrubbed off or something like that.. hehe.. ok...i tink i will go get the rowa thingy and in future, top up with distilled water... thks everyone for helping!~~
  12. wow...seems like rowa is maciam like a miracle product. i've got diatom recently...guess i have to buy this! but... i do not have a sump nor cannister... is it all right if i place it in my tank?
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