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Everything posted by bluezing

  1. i tink it will be diff for u to catch the damsel man... and skunk clown is cute btw~
  2. my hermit crabs do eat those diatoms on sandbed... but nowadays..dont see them working..getting lazy.. must dock their pay riaoz~
  3. nice tank butty~ even nicer anemone~ i would like to get some of those too
  4. yah man..that a very positive tinking...gd gd.. hope u enjoy this wonderful hobby..i did~ post some pics of ur tank if possible k?
  5. ya man....trying not to use normal tap water...haha thks thks~
  6. thks everyone~ my zoos opens up again...haha... btw...could it be they have photoperiod too? cos perhaps when i buy from the shop,they have already opened too long? thus when i go home and with stronger lights, they cannot take it? possible?
  7. thks for reply bro... but hor...after i put in 5 mins...it opens...then after a while...close again...why ah... the last time one..i dip in fw...then after that..put in tank,din even open...for daysss... then maciam mouldy liao...died i tink
  8. aiyo...dun say anymore le la... threadstarter will get hurt~
  9. hehe...i got pircked the other time when i got my lr too... its usual..unless u see swollen or blue black then u relaly need to see a doc
  10. hmm...i tot that shop at TM only has planted tanks? din know got marine also..gagaga
  11. ok thks~ cos currently my only problem is diatom~
  12. I just bought a piece of zoo today. when i first put it into my tank, the polyps opens up for a while. but soon after, around 20 mins, all the polyps closed.so far, it remains closed. the last time i tried 1 zoo, it closes and becomes mouldy like and i tink it died. how how? im running on 55W PL blue light. the zoo is placed on the sandbed. my tank is 1.5ft height with dsb of around 3-4inch. my anemone all doing ok... and i tot zoo is supposed to be one of the easiest coral to keep?
  13. is this the one bro? really gd ah? haha..if no takers..i buy from u... sms me at 97969496 if available. thks~
  14. where do u guys usually get the tubeworms from? im a fan of tubeworms~ but reborn usually only has the common ones~
  15. wow...haha... it move to another "house" ?
  16. do they? lets say...the blue leg hermit crab?
  17. yo bro! gd gd...both our sales are successful~ upz for u again..just in case ur overflow box still available~
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