Looking for the following corals (Looking for palm size and above and prefer to get few at once):
1) Various Leather Corals
2) Short tentacle plates
3) Mushrooms
4) Buttons/Palys
5) Bubble Corals
6) GSP
Pm me if you letting go. Pref deal in west. Thanks.
Fresh n marine store
as at 1pm today
yellow tangs, blue tang, powder blue tangs, flame angel, flameback angel, potter angels, clownfishes, mandarin fishes, various gobies, seahorses, blue starfishes, GSP, bubble corals, plate corals and many more.
Looking to get live brine for my tiger tail seahorse.
Anyone know if c328 sells live brine shrimps? Went to Polyart at c328 previously but they don't carry live brine shrimp.
bought instant ocean baby brine shrimp but wen added onto water the brine shrimp didn't became alive for some reason.
WTB Corals and fishes.
Corals- LPS & Soft Corals.
Fishes - Anthias, flame angel, coral beauty & pair of true percular
looking for shrimps, seahorse, starfish too.
Msg me at 90284142 if u letting go. Preferably deal in west near clementi.
WTS 15 kg of dead rocks.
16 pieces of pest free dead rocks mixture of large, medium and small pieces at $50.
collection at clementi west. Msg me at 90284142.