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Everything posted by vtech2

  1. Wow a Zoo garden section..... N a nice pair of maroon clowns u got ere. Sooner or later little baby maroon clowns shld be swimmin all over ...
  2. Well T5 should be good enough for ur tank. U usin 2 tube some bros here even use 4 tubes. For me i'm not even using T5 but my corals are doin well . U can consider Star Polys, Yellow Polys, Octo, Hammer. So far i'm keeping em no problem. But keep in mind ur water parameters, temperature and ensure ere is a good water flow...
  3. 1)WWE Smackdown just bring it 2)WWE Smackdown Shut Your Mouth 3)WWE Smackdown Here comes the pain 4)WWE Smackdown VS Raw 5)Legends of Wrestling II 6)The Guy Game Selling as a Bundle Only at $25. Interested contact me at 90284142. Pls do not Pm. Collection at West Side.
  4. I have 2 red firefish in my tank too and they been surviving for more than 2 months. They like to hang out at the top corner of my tank. But they do tend to get chased by my gamma. Once, one of them leaped out of my tank while being chased eventhough my tank is mostly covered. Luckily i saw it on my floor and managed to put it back. So once you managed to keep them alive, Make sure they dun kamikaze..
  5. Wow! It really resembles a reef man! Nice.... very nice!
  6. Hey all, I'm currently lookin for a frogspawn coral so if anybody selling pls contact me. Prefabably in the west side... Many
  7. Hi all, I'm keeping a couple of the following corals. Hammer, Octo, Star Polyps. So far they have been doing well in my tank opening up real good. But just wanna be sure of their proper feeding habits to ensure their health. I'm keeping them in a 2ft tank and i have been dosing them with Reef Max Live Phytoplankton twice a week a cupfull of the bottle's cap each time. What i need to know is their feeding habit adequate? or should i do more.i also think the corals are able to make food by photosynthesis.... Any suggestions would be helpful
  8. Hmmm superfit?.... Prob Tangs r superfit in attaining ich...
  9. I'm looking for the following corals/fishes. As mine is only a 2 footer, prefabably smaller corals no need those with that many branches. Preferably deal in the west.. 1) Octo 2) Frogspan 3) Hammer 4) Star polyps 5) Yellow Tang (Small) 6) Blue Tang (small) Many
  10. Firstly do u have proper lightings? Why dun u give us ur tank specifications/equipments so we can better help u... Is your second coral Star Polyps? Kinda looks like it...
  11. Hi, Got a 9 month old Nokia 7260 for sale wif warranty. Interested contact me at 90284142. Thanks!
  12. Hi all, The whole set is currently reserved till next week. will repost and list everything here if up for sale again.
  13. Pm me or contact me at 90284142 if interested. set aso available....
  14. You could also try NSW Marine Pellets, got it from Jireh. Its semi floating pellets wont sink to the sandbed quickly....
  15. Bro, Since you are a damsel lover you could add a few more variety.. Yellow bellied blue damsel, domino damsel (black one with white spots) and zebra damsel.... who knows WWIII mite begin
  16. Killer crabs! Hope your fishes that disappeared are small not big ones... Instead of taking out your Lrs, if you can see where your crabs hide you could take a sharp stick and poke it through your crab.... you could also use a small bottle with bait in it to lure the crab in and pull it out provided you are a very very patient person
  17. Juz been to Jireh left 1 yellow tang(nice speciment), 1 blue tang, bi color angels, s'pore angels, lots of butterfly fishes......
  18. Ocean nutrition formula 1 pellets soaked in garlic wld be really good... u cld try frozen mysis too.
  19. PBT lovers head to reborn lots of them! Quite a few Butterfly fishes too mainly Chaetodon falcula....
  20. 15 bucks for a pair? 1 true percular on its own would normally fetch from $18 onwards...In getting them u cld try from some of our sponsors like Marinelife, jireh.... You shld maybe start of with false clowns first, it will be a waste if u buy true percular and they dont survive especially as u have damsels in ur tank which are aggressive..
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