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Everything posted by raynaz

  1. Sorry all...here is the attachment.
  2. Following are the items from left to right based on the attachment: 1) Airstone skimmer - $10 2) Queen skimmer without pump - $18 3) Macro skimmer without pump - $30 4) RM skimmer and Rio 32 pump with free RM waste collector - $ 160 5) Skimz FR with pump - $75 6) Filter pump ( front row) - $8 All items are cleaned and ready for collection. Pm me if interested. Thanks Rais IMG_0554.JPG
  3. Hi, As above, do pm me if you have one to let go. TIA Rais
  4. I have always wanted to ask this for a Q. tank and hope those experienced reefers can share: 1) The water used must be the same as the main tank? Meaning using the main tank water for Q.tank. 2) If not, NSW or salt mixed water is preferred? 3) If using new water( be it NSW/salt mixed water), cycling of the Q.tank needed? 4) I think ideally, the salinity of the Q. tank should be lower than the standard for fish, to prevent ich outbreak? 5) What's the requirement when introducing fish back to the main tank from Q.tank?
  5. Bro Kelvin, Thanks for sharing your experience and you definitley have not 1 but 2 impressive tanks! I will update you the well taken ST in my tank. Rais
  6. Thanks for all the replies. Since I wanna make full use of what I have purchased, I'm thinking of spraying it with the bottle of white paint (commercial type and lead free as claimed) found in my store but not too sure if it's safe and advisable. Do let me know if you have some experience on spraying. Maybe I should leave it as black on second thought .... TIA
  7. Hi SM, I am wondering is there a reason why most people is choosing the scrubber to be of the lighter shade and white seems to be the popular type. I am planning to use black color (as that's what I can find around my area) and other than harder to spot the growth of algae...is there any another other disadvantage? TIA Rais
  8. Sorry to hijack this thread Padil..... Clownfish88, I believe you need to address this issue here : http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=77117
  9. How long it can last before next top up really depends on 2 things: 1) how much your initial top up was and 2) how much it dispenses each time(adjustable on most brands including the china made). It's adjustable as not every single user has the same bioload. You can roughly gauge from there how long it can last by simulating a few cycles before mounting up the tank - Dispense frequecy higher and larger quantity mean the food will use up faster. Hope this will help.
  10. Looking for a pair, please let me know if you know where to get it or if you have spare....urgent need for them. Thanks in advance Rais
  11. Can provide the specification and shop name that sell that?
  12. Any kind brother or sister has the above mentioned to let go? Rais
  13. Upgraded and has the above mentioned to let go at $50. The 2 ballasts that I have changed few months back are around my asking price.... .Deal in Jurong East and do pm me if interested. Thanks Rais
  14. Upz for a kind and friendly reefer and hope we can learn more from each other.
  15. Bro, I just read your post. I have 1 in my tank for couple of months and is doing well. I'll take from you. I also stay in JE. I will PM you. Thanks.
  16. As above, please pm me the price and qty left. Rais
  17. Hi, Anyone can advice how to lower it ? Current kh reading is 16 ! Is there any immediate danger to LPS and fish? PH, CA and MG all in check though.
  18. As above mentioned, do keep the reason(s) coming in. Rais
  19. I tend to have the feeling too (on increasing MG to stabilse PH) ----> I increased my MG from 1270 to 1350 during my last few water change and I noticed that it can hold the PH better @ 8.3 until the next water change which is ~ 2 weeks later. You happen to know the chemistry behind MG and PH co-relationship? My KH is around 10 and I use to think that's the only factor I need to maintain to stabilise PH.
  20. I thought it's at the lower side and wanted to maintain it at the norminal. I am just curious why I can't raise it further. Ps: PH is pretty stable (always around 8.1-8.2).
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