Since the water volume is small...regular small volume of water change should be able to bring down the nitrate but please spread out your water changes over 2 to 3 weeks to avoid shocking to your live stocks since pico tank is more sensitive. Once nitrate is within range.. go easy on feeding on both corals and your pair of clowns. For long term stability and maintenance, you may want to consider puting the smallest available bag of chemipure blue to maintain your water quality after that. Madpetz do carry this product -> Ps: Importantly....please measure nitrate level of the new water change. It must be 0 in nitrate to begin with to see the result. Good luck and enjoy the hobby. Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk
Hi Allan,
I see that you are using DD salt and hope you are using DI or RO water during salt mix.
It is worth investing in either one when mixing with salt since tap water contains many unwanted elements which may cause you issue in the long run.
Good luck and most importantly have fun in this hobby.
Hi Allan,
Maybe you should also check the PO4 and Mg.
Your Ca should be brought up to around 450, your Kh and Ph look ok.
What filter media are you using and what's your equipment list to support this tank?
Hi Allan,
I have reason to believe your 3 weeks of cycling has not completed yet since there are traces of NH4.
NH4 and N02 should be zero and N03 has some reasonable values (N03 can be brought down by periodically water changes) - cycling completed.
No life stocks will survive long when there are traces of NH4 as it is toxin. My suggestion is to have your friend(s) to house all the life stocks for you asap.
Ps: Your torch do not look good and one head has receded and melted.
Good luck.