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  1. thanks for the confidence panzz here is some of the equiptment in action mmmmm tea time whole under cabinet shot
  2. thanks bigbike. reefaholic, no im not using zeovit yet but i will once the tank is nice and stable. alot of people in NZ use it and the results i have seen are great
  3. thanks. hopefully it wont be too long untill i can get all the rock in there and the caclium reactor and zeovit up and running
  4. LOL, i am in New Zealand. please not the full tank shot was before i added the beckett skimmer and the new rock so it is looking alot sharper now, but still no where near finished.
  5. thanks guys i got the cap clown the day before christmas , it was 80$nz so about 100$sg that is quite a good deal in new zealand as normal percula/occelaris cost about 45$ live stock is generally alot more expensive in NZ than the prices that i have seen in singapore
  6. thanks guys. most of my corals come from the LFS or frags from other reefers, the areas that the are imported from are mainly the various pacific islands (fiji,tonga etc) and now and again we get a few balinese corals. not alot of pics yet as the tank is still very young, i have spent far too much money on it and need to wait abit before i can get the final lighting and some streams, my wife has been very patient untill now and i dont want to press my luck. here is a full tank shot, yesterday i added another 20 odd punds (that is not shown in the pic) of live rock and plan to add about the same amount again to fully stock it i also added a new bulb to the MH which has already made an improvement to the colouration of my acro's here are some teasers of a few corals though hydno ricordia and my new white cap clown
  7. i had to wait for the arrival of my new equipment from robin @ Ocean Werx to design my sump i then had the sump designed and built to fit the equipment and installed what i could
  8. I have been in the process of setting up this tank for a while now but thought that i would share with everyone here the progress that i have made. first i started with a basic metal stand around which i attached wooden panels to the out side after competing this i then stained the wood to match the apartments decor (so my wife thinks its pretty. i had my tank made by my builder to the dimensions of 1200mm x700x600 (600 tall), the front and side panels are made of diamante glass here is my son playing in his toy i then had a plastic fabricator make an overflow out of black acylic for me i siliconed it in place and put the tank on the stand
  9. othe than paint there is not muh you can do with unatural products like formica or plastic laminates. i made my cabinet myself and stained it a nice dark mahogany, very satisfying.
  10. i have had my diamante tank setup for about 4 months now and i cannot see any abnormal pitting or scratching. there are one or two small scratchs but nothing that would not occur on a normal tank
  11. threaded or non threaded doesnt matter. Resun Md55 (not enough cash for iwaki )
  12. Looking for MD55, new or used, any reasonable offers considered, must be willing to use paypal (i will pay for postage) thanks
  13. too big (size not flow) in my opinion, try a few smaller power heads.
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