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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by bwilly

  1. not easy to kalk overdose... how much u dose?? I mix n dose a bottle (500ml or less) 2 days.. replenish my water level.. not much problem on overdose.
  2. still so "crowded" for your 3ft.. hehe.. but still so nice.
  3. oki.. I join as an officer.. now is the ang pai fighter of your fren.. can click click on mine or not? hehe.. http://www.kingsofchaos.com/recruit.php?uniqid=589qpfw7
  4. bwilly

    ric florida

    5cents small yuma to exchange aimai?? got two on a small rock, sama sama like my avatar.. not those cheapo kind of yuma.. open up nicely like 10cents.. under MH..
  5. bro always veri good n generous..
  6. pm me the price n where to collect.
  7. actually the "fault" you all pointed out. easy to remove. the layman method of cut and paste the whole cbd pic over to the fireworks. adjust the opacity. can liao. the whole fireworks appear behind the building. max 2-3 layers trick done. mine, got some firework in front. more difficult to do. alot more layer works. its like some Europe countries.. everyone is letting off fireworks.. haha..cause their fav club just won the champion league. haha..!! as for the reflection in the water. easy way is to remove the boat first. (but the boat original pic is already kind of dark, going to go blind if I remove them properly) do a proper duplication onto the water, adjusting opacity, then paste back the boat. kind of alot of work. hehe.. lazy me.
  8. haha.. I lazy to PS properly lah.. that side where u can see from Maybank one is one notty boy. he got some left over fireworks from grandpa days.. so he let go there. haha.. as for the reflection in the water, I do a duplication (invert) of firework added to a new layer, lower opacity to abt 25, plus add blur 4.0. not easy feat considering there are some boats around. this PS book I got really good. hehe.. plenty of notty tricks.. I no need to go for fireworks, stand for ages, with tripod n staff.. just go online search for nice firework.. haha..!!
  9. For gym/health forumer, Check out www.gnc.com.sg promotions section. Just went there, brought BCAA, Creatine and Whey protein. Items range from 50-70%. Expiration also quite long, 2006 or 2007. Got protein drink and bars. The bars taste terrible so did not get any. For Atkins product lover, check them out, also on sale there. Been hitting the gym recently (need all the supplement help) and trying to do tanning on weekend. Quite a few babes at yishun safra. Sales from today till tomorrow, as well as next Sat n Sun.
  10. upz to one month a year I reckon. I got abt 3weeks call up on Nov 29 to Dec 15. ATEC stage I, super siong. Add in some 3D2N n 5D4N tour packages, major place of interest and all meals inclusive. Got to draw up a schedule for my wife to follow. Last reservist I went, the tank was in pretty bad condition after I came back. Never buy any new stuffs before u gone for a while.
  11. wat rose hammer..? sorrie out of pic for so long.. haha.. I only know rose for my wife n rose anemone
  12. check out the basement shop at Far East plaza. they are may have what u looking for. I collect only soccer figurines.. used to join a oversea collection figurine club. collect whole teams.. cannot find place to put them liao.
  13. not govt. gives money.. govt still take, but take lesser..
  14. car I tik the tee kors here not veri keen.. can go there n view. I took number of car shots too. for the shy reefers, the pics of gals they more keen.. pervert lot, like to admire but don't dare to approach them..!! haha.. hence the pics..
  15. 2nd from the left - looks familiar. Think she was a nikon D70 gal at the last comtex show..?
  16. these were circulated via email some time back. so good to hear bro deepblue missing me.. hiakhiak.. Me going reservist soon, preparation for ATEC stage I. All my mates kind of low morale. Going to AWOL longer.
  17. The lady was having a cough.. so sad. Ask my fren to pass her a cough drop, good hor me..?
  18. Another fav. got a difficult time to ask her to pose with me.. tks..! She was veri handworking, running about.. I no veri handsome, abit yantao only, so the pic is resize.. hehe..
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