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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by bwilly

  1. Read in the paper today on forum selling and buying. Merchant who pose as customers are breaking the law. Victims can take them to task. Its causing someone to do something, (buying your product) which he would not do if he had know the truth. Culprit can be fined and jailed for up to a year. Remedy – Approach lawyer to get the sales/contract cancelled, or to the policee to report this case as cheating. Alternatively reporting to CASE – (joining fee applies before CASE take up your case.) Terms - you must have bought the postings and only from the retailer who made the false posting. I believe it should also applies to false claims. eg. certain attributes and claims their products can "perform" up to a certain standard. It is still Caveat Emptor (buyer beware) eventually. Remember all the hooha on products that were previously (follow the crowd) all applauded before realising the "truth". Bogus seller and con man (selling faulty products) beware.
  2. something like this? easy mispresentation this day can sued..
  3. try hardwarezone for better response, here not much ppl into this kind of techno stuffs.
  4. pay someone to take the crap for u.. similiar size person.
  5. rememeber must have proof. if pay fine, no deduct point still alright. P plate driver only got 12pts.
  6. Best part is.. the gal was in her flimsy nitey see thru.. "WAhahaa..!!" *ponk*.. computer restored, done with day dreaming, back to work..
  7. I just went down.. only certain model of cars have the 5000K bulb.. other out of stock. veri popular. hear from the guy, veri white, but under LTA its not allow. cost $75. Spark plugs Bosch 4head one also out of stock for many cars. All stocks come in 1-2months time. Call Tye Soon - -6 336 6435
  8. "ouch....!!", woke up on the floor, damn.. its Monday..!! time to work n less dreaming... *hope I meet the chio bu again on the train*
  9. get a kelong MC for someone. then use that as an excuse to see doc.. something abt SAR alike illness seem good.
  10. try HMV alot of doc dvds for sale..
  11. light got flexible tubing, no worry on height. light cost abt $40 with shipping in.
  12. just did uploading from 640x480, latest pic w/o lighting.. I adjusted the contrast n brightness..
  13. but my ftp program shows the latest update pic going via every 3secs.. or is it the HTML coding got something wrong.. or our default browser too intelligent.. cache up the pic.. good for slowband, but not for updating of constant pic/video. I set to 4pics in the page, seem to b working betta now..
  14. creative ultra pro something.. yes, live but I have not fiddle on the live streaming part yet. also my browser funny cannot display up to date pics..? always show the old pic hanging there, dunno the cache part got problemo no ...
  15. eh.. think need to get a longer USB extension, currently using digital zoom, pic not really clear.. need to find something to host live streaming.. then can check out the stuffs at work.. haha..! http://www.peopleemployment.com.sg/cgi-bin/ if u see a half ###### pot belly guy walking ard with mickey mouse tattoo, that's me..
  16. just got a CCD webcam.. suppose to be better than the cheaper webcam.. brighter when taking nite shot.. quality I see still quite lousy.. sux.. http://www.peopleemployment.com.sg/cgi-bin/
  17. which came to my mind.. recently i helped a young reefer collected something. I got immediately a response to meet up asap... I was quite surprised as I got "may" the feeling I may sapo these stuffs collected.. no thank you PM.. one of the last few "good" deed I will do for "stranger". yes, last time reefers are little, but costructive advice is a many.. I still remember fondly bawater, one of the senior who was kind to me in many ways when I just started out. Looking at your post flubber ah jie.. , my motto is forgives but never forget. If not will never learn from experience.
  18. I think if u ask nicely n got the intention to buy (not to find info.. tat u can check here), then its oki to ask the owner.. I was at Borders the other day when an ah lau tear off the magazines wrapped nicely, I stared at him n wait to see if he put it back properly. He does, so I just carry on browsing. Its his rules when u in the house, not that he did not provide any good service. Say ppl comes your place, start to touch your things even though they are guests? I won't say u r a thief, but itchy hands.. many youngster guilty of that, me included in my younger days.. Now also itchy at time, but I back up with some buying.. haha..!
  19. job taken by a regularly reefer...!!
  20. have.. but nobody wants to lent.. haha.. its a collectible item u know, wat if got scratch..??
  21. I used to post constructive comments and advice for new reefers.. bulk purchase local n oversea (to save some reefers n myself a few dollars)... I am not sure if this is being appreciated, I can't remember who's who's I helped. I doubt they even bother after they get their stuffs.. all in all, not a single cent I earned. Back then, being flamed for being ignorance n nasty stuffs.. It does feel hurting when certain "truth" that does show right is just covered (either pride or face). U dun see my post much these days.. SRC is just one of the many reef forums around, hence I see light when some old reefers goes oversea forum for more intellectual postings.. As for going back to the old ways.. I doubt so. I already seen SRC being infested by many parasites, they just take n take.. wonder they will remember when time for payback. One good thing is I make a few good kakis (for life hopefully).. some is still actively involved here, good riddle to them, some already left the forum (dunno for good), but we still keep closely in touch with good lobang n help.
  22. I think this thread was more like to shame the bugger.. does the LFS owner comes in to read..??
  23. for some who asked.. its clerical desk job but plus some manual shifting needed. I hear some boxes n stuffs.. workplace quite near OT..
  24. no pan n tilt so cheap..? US$ or S$..? must says properly lah.. the cheapest i saw is $319 at sim lim, wireless B.. model. if S$200 for a similiar model then can get leh..
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