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Everything posted by bwilly

  1. got gal meh..?? or I veri pure...???
  2. abit short n lack of detail, plus pic.. maybe u like to add more stuffs?
  3. thanks AT for the suggestion..!! Like that tomorrow night I can't cheong liao ah.. !!! I'll do a test before any possible parameter changes due to human. (me..!!! feed or change water) *just remembered - since I was getting my hands dirty just now, I thought to change new matrix carbon from Seachem at the same time..... EEE....yucks....!!!
  4. So guys, keep your fingers crossed, I will update via - next phosphate reduction rate results (how much phosphate is reduced) - next algae bloom (shows the effective before next replacement)
  5. I added about 200ml of the Aqua Phos into my tank just now after taking my phosphate test. So called "claim ability" is effective for 2000Litres seawater for 500ml. My tank reckon is about 5-600L of water, 200ml is good enough for 800L. I will post the results of the phosphate level again. Rowa Phos claim their 1000ml is effective for 1000-2000L seawater. If future RRP of the Aqua Phos is comparable to Rowas Phos, it means in layman terms, you are getting a similiar product performing twice as effective. Don't get your hopes too high as I try to post the results. BTW, I am not using any Fluidiser Reactor yet, for one, the amount of remover maybe too little to put in. I placed the Aqua Phos in my sump where it can get maximum exposure to flow.
  6. okay, my current phosphate is 0.5ml/L as at August 5th 2004. Tested with tropic marine phosphate test kit. My tank specs for those not in the know. 4x2x2 tank, with 5tangs, 3 small clowns, 1 gamma, 2 gobies and 1 flame. Corals consist mostly of LPS, some zoos n mushy. Another thing to note is the placement of my tank. My tank is placed very near to the balcony, as its the only place where I deem it fit. Direct sunlight is mostly unavoidable. Alage is forming recently. (also for this test)
  7. okay the contents.. It looks all brown to me..! I only been using rowaphos which was all black. In the container I have, its 500ml. It was a surprise to see a mesh bag included inside the container. A good plus, but unfortunately the FAQ paper on how to use for newbie is also inside. The manufacturer does really wants you to dig in. Maybe they like to look into printing the instruction on the container itself.
  8. I have a chance to get my hands on this new phosphate remover from Glare. Apologises for not doing the review earlier. 1) I have to let my phosphate build up. (I was using rowaphos) 2) Busy on course Okay here goes. Aqua light Phos facts. (from the FAQ) 1) No side effect on aquarium water 2) No leeching especially metals (common of other remover too) 3) 500ml is good for 2000Litre Seawater or 4000Litre (Fresh Water) Pic as of the product as follows.
  9. rythms with bum posting ... haha..!! read tis one b4, but its good to make 1 smile for hours.
  10. tok kong man..!! suits me nicely.. next time any bugger come pray pray near my workstation, I show them my wallpaper..!!
  11. At Orchard area. Label boxes, arrange documents.. $6 per hour/ meals inclusive, CPF deduction. PM me for contact.
  12. wah...chio man..!! way to go.. I mean AT avatar..!!
  13. where to collect?? original 1000g package is it? not from the 5000g pack?
  14. tick tok u lah.. wat other info. u have..? like timing of the show?? I also can.. 'hey I saw this cute babe acting in new vivid show, check it out man..!!"
  15. it got ich, veri dangerous. how long u have it? if cheaper can consider to take the risk.
  16. " tiger time.. tiger time..!" the beer commercial flip next. *sux.. really terrible at home watching all repeats n commercial...*
  17. yes, but so ultimate that he go post one new topic. Can understand from PM, sokur becomes open post, but tis.. eh hmm.. haha..!! opps.. anyway welcome to the "family".
  18. ######, lies n videotape (suppose dvd now) ??? choose one, though u may not get it.
  19. can PM me the pricing..? tks.
  20. u speak my mind.. haha..!! its an offer man.. for SRC onli...!! else where u have to sell cheaper esp hardwarezone all the technie nerds who can narrate all the price lists in SLS.
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