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Everything posted by bwilly

  1. ya.. anyone miss me? happening trip, quite fun. Went PatPong (chio "gals"), weekend market (not much marine), shopping, temple.. update u n the rest later abt the stuffs..
  2. just came back. eden 228 dun have. update with another thread on collection of the dog shit.
  3. bo bian.. for the benefit of some SRC bros.. illegal stuffs.. those who rec'd it later when I am back from BKK should thank Augustine alot (n me abit) ya, u know who u r.. ! hehe..
  4. eh.. home pc can read Chinese. What s/w u all used to write ah..? Hope to communciate with a Korean Chinese fren..
  5. fasle gamma should be $6, royal gamma abt $30 loh. note the different on the dorsal (eh..back fin), no colour one. Royal Gamma have, more completeness of colour. False Gamma aka Dottyback got a distinct (rather faint) white line across its body.
  6. is it a good buy..? been to his place.. greet by his dog. haha.. anyway like Day mention, damn difficult to take out. if can, its mine tat day I drop by..
  7. the event loh.. anyway u guys have fun.. me have fun packin my luggage.. BKK here i comes..
  8. can just says we our your fren.. unless u consolidate all the orders if not its still back to square one mah.. of course when u start consolidate the orders.. it becomes a profit making scheme.. so..
  9. eh..? wat do u mean..? cannot make baby with wife in BKK??
  10. tonite I veri busy leh.. go home to pack stuffs. pls indicate like razo.. then I can port over the info. onto my pda. else I really bo eng to read.. still meeting augustine n another guy.. time no enough..??!!
  11. really solid take.. I should try mine after the MH gone to bed.. yours is taken under total darkness..? or still got some actinic onz..?
  12. must be kiddin man.. u know how LS get stressed when transport. later I comes back with "cooked" shrimp, u dun want i got to put in bread n makan for breakfast loh. CS can get in singapore, fast n cheap too mah. $6-8 can get liao.
  13. sure or not..? I am faithful guy.. I true to Princess, my Lord, of course the King himself.. office? eh.. where's your office?
  14. wah.. like dat also can. no research needed..? next time I got accounting standards that i am confuse, I come here n post.. haha...
  15. no lah.. it should be. let me go check later.. if not, hotsoup tik I sabo him..hehe.. I got a skimmer now, but my tank dun have a ISO slot, the PH is inside. sometimes I get worried abt my anemone running abt n impaled itself onto the PH. haha.. (though I have put a sponge over the opening, but the skim effectiveness get lower). Overhang like this maybe more effective for my 3ft. But no hurry for me, I just looking ard. Tank n everyything still looks veri good now.
  16. I dun play much games these days.. not like in NS n school days.. so free. once awhile will play CM4 on my PC. or surf (here..haha..!) abit.
  17. good luck.. man.. beat those buggers.. in a pulp for me.. pulp fiction...!! tik I seow liao..
  18. 3ft n below. suitable for me.. haha..! u check their webby loh.
  19. tik I am going to miss u.. so I will d/l into my pda tonite. then while there I can still admire u.. slurp.. diablo not computer game meh..? hehe..
  20. Thing to look for u guys... subject to availability n my ability (to bring back, my stuffs priority lah, n of course balance baht) Pls also indicate the amt upz to u willingly to pay, plus retail. Else I dunno buy back too X, u dun want, I also dun want man.. ! 1) darlin diabolus - dog shit x 2pax (cheap cheap one lah..!) 2) hoppinghippos - eden 228 *No illegal/pervert stuffs like DVD, pornos, ###### toys, stain underwear, used bras..
  21. dun quarrel guys.. I tik I go setup another thread on things to buy (on behalf, not free) for u guys.. subject to availability n my ability (to lug them back) use this one.. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...?showtopic=2111
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