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Everything posted by bwilly

  1. weipro skimmer does not comes with a pump. I am using a weipro 2012 + weipro 3000PH. pretty good. a few days, the skimate is coming.. woah.. "tow kay.. kopi-O !!!"
  2. DBS is good replica of the actual sea reef system. Good to reduce nitrate in the long run, but may take time before it actually kicks in. nitrites is reduce by bacteria, nitrate not. so DBS comes in.
  3. so steady ah..? good service seow.. PSB, pretty nice chap. but he's knowledge of marine pretty limited.
  4. as for 3ft, u can get abt 7-8fishes I reckon. depending on type n size of fishes too. ya. man. I got three maroons now. hehe.. plan to shift the big bully to the fowlr tank, but duno will it be sad without the anemone.
  5. its makan time. suppose to be good that your LR got so many holes. cope with good water flow, your beneficial bacteria will thrive.
  6. there's a ehiem wet n dry system. dunno wat the model ah?
  7. u all make me old. I thought wat no. you all playing at. (eg. 08,18,21, etc..etc..) scarily takling abt age, me twice of age some ppl here.
  8. the LRs seem a fair big to me. hehe.. I prefer flat ones.
  9. veri blur by your long one. but seem oki to me. just ensure the cycling is proper b4 u introduce new fishes. Add 1 or 2 everytime. cause each introduction in the first place, will be heavy bioload (1fish - 100%, 2nd fish 50%, 3rd fish 33% increases) on your tank.
  10. me weekend is eastern. usually northern. alot of northern bros.. I suppose.
  11. ya sorrie man. its 2213. pai sei to Anthony.
  12. will dropby later manz.. knockin off in case of jam.
  13. both are doing great. one is hosting my maroon clown. the other was bought behalf of fren.
  14. no lah. clown fishes without anemone tend to swim near the surface. unless u can provide one for him. Mine same too. certain fishes swim at certain level. so u got to provide food that float, sink kind. when the fishes get seasoned, it will expect where to look for food. (maybe swim upz, like my dottyback n royal gamma, bottom dweller) its your water parameters that are no good that result in the death of the clowns.
  15. eh..? why u dun want to get from shops? I still got new unopened carbon + bio-rings. got it from petmart.
  16. out of the wayz man.. let me check with frens more central lah.
  17. nice.. but your plate coral seem to near other stuffs.. later they kenna wack n start melt down. I c the mushy like going to siam your plate like dat.
  18. bunch of sissy players.. anyway I din see them played haha.. Everton not doing good since Gary Lineker days.. that was like.. 80s.. my gosh..! my fav team is actual fact.... "Ladies n Gentlemen...!!" "From .. this corner..South American, hunky,.. hardcore, hard tackling, ARGENTINA..!!!" Sissy n moaning teams pls stand aside. later kenna stamp n munch like "afternoon tea delight." (eh? arn tat the ###### show samantha fox acted in??)
  19. I got good managerial experience leading Bury and Everton to European glory (CM4). let's try a 3-5-2, flank play, with two young flankers, cross the balls into the box. (center most probably) midfielder can dash in to head goal with the 2 strikers grabbing balls of opponents. whereas defender like myself will be chit chatting with referee abt the freshly arrived hookers at GL. Goalie - Spider will headbutt rival striker in case of fast counter attack. Good strategry ah? hmm.. I tik so too.. veri proud of myself.
  20. spider - then u may have watched. pulp fiction. transpotting, fight club? I love those gangster movies.. btw, me is "get the legs.. bugger..!! not the ball..!!"
  21. sorrie guys. (those who pmed me) reserved by anthony.
  22. u sms me. I should be at home washing sands I suppose.
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