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Everything posted by bwilly

  1. appreciate..? I like to admire n examine them in my privacy manz.. know wat I mean. anyway really nice tank. like I wanted to go ###### n buff, swim in 'em..
  2. eh. take note of MH bought not from marine shop. DE (double end) MH some is not UV coated. will burn your coral in the long run. (if yr MH glass panel is not UV coated)
  3. tik your tank overstock. did u slowly add fishes or all at one time. fishes get stress, their immune system will be down n easily succumb to disease. also adding all fishes at one go, will stress your bio-load. ammonia got no change to be converted to nitrite. all this may contribute to the fish getting stress. ensure condition of water is good, slowly add fish. use a test kit to check for ammonia, nitrite n nitrate. check also your PH n salinity level. do upz some rescape for timid fishes to hide. doing garlic soaked food should help. note their condition closely. if got sign of white spot, then quickly give them garlic soaked food. drastic case, got to catch them out n do freshwater dip with copper (veri little) medication. dun wait till almost the whole fish cover with spots. its veri difficult to cover by then. by recently acquired royal gamma also got spots. stress. but after awhile oki liao. feed it with garlic food plus it found a lobang as its new home.
  4. hi ngaoci.. see u here..hehe..
  5. leakage of ozone into the tank will kill your livestock fast. that's why I believe not much ppl using a ozone device? eh.. hmm. is it fix to your protein skimmer?
  6. tik all in all, spend at least $2k. dun want to tik abt it. haha..!! the MH cost me $645. I change to 17K 150W x 2, cost me another $160. so near $1k just for lights. recently get pump n skimmer, add corals, fishes.. so abt $2k all in all.. now cycling another 3ft.. going to do only fowlr. going to keep it budget. oki, the plastic container I have remove it. that time I got a difficult time getting the anemone out of it. but the anemone die recently. must be the tomato is not taking care of it properly. damn selfish, I noted tomato neber feed the anemone. actual fact if u read, the container will release chemical if there's deep scratches. as for the freshwater poster. hehe.. damn lazy manz.. not really enough time. now I ponder whether to get a dvd-burner. then can zap some marine dvd for some nice chaps I know.
  7. hey sweetie, last nite I thought I saw a ###### chio one..? where is it now ah?no time to save on harddisk yet manz.?
  8. These are what I dig out from my library records. *The tropical marine fish survival manual *The questions and answers manual of the marine *A practical guide to setting up your marine I think I mistaken. it should be $1+ for reservation. I also renew online, so get confused. hehe..
  9. opps.. I mean with u only..AT. wife doing OT. today I should be able to go off early. eh..eh.. let me check with her able to or not loh.
  10. still available? why dun see? I see with u loh sweetie..
  11. bunch of dogs? run lah.. once I stare at a female dog n was bitten by its hubby I reckon. make me damn angry I chase the dog till it run back the house. *expletive*.. shout outside, but nobody at home. its a private house near novena. lucky I wear jeans. small kid that time go catch spider got chase by a bunch of dogs. basket so huge. me n fren will chasing a puppy, scarily chase ah chase, suddenly the puppy run back home. out come couple of adult dogs. me n fren run n run.. for my personal experience, just dun stare at dog, unless u prepare to wack it first. else just peep it from your corner of eyes. then passby. bark is oki, bite is worst.
  12. slog thru this thread. thought my ears kinda of itch.. beautiful maids? they need training or not? like massage skills ah..? PM me pls, I think they do need extra training. leave them with me for 6mths.
  13. told u I quit liao loh. also last time neber study much mah. always go play billard during school time. so u must understand. tattoo also take out liao. I tik all says says.. armchair soccer player like dat. damn sian. btw, your tanky how ah? enough LRs? need to help u pick some from beach bo?
  14. stilll available. hehe.. its 2213 btw.
  15. add another blue PL should do. with timer onz, the blue one comes first, then the T5. stimulate sunrise. then vice versa for sunset. (T5 off, the PL blue off) ya, reg too as a mbr of the eaquanature n get 10% discount. also u need a credit card to purchase from there. not sure if COD accept or not.
  16. wah pian.. dun slap slap.. slap only done by pu..y. *expletive*. anyway good location ma.. some more after tat can go jalan kayu eat prata. also hear bishan got this "jiugen" one.. pay abit more they do some special.. esp old folks like us, after match damn shiak.. got for a "hair-cut" follow by jiugen is shiok. less than $100 everything oki?
  17. do a reserve. its cheap. 50cents for 3wks loan. good enough. I did that tat time, within a week can go down collect. no need to wait for the collection slip to arrive. go back online to check if its reserve for u, then go down library,show your IC.
  18. I think u need T5 at least for anemone. anemone needs light to produce food, else u got to do plenty of target shrimp meat feed. check with edmund, our src sponsor. he got 3ft T-5 going for abt $300 lesser. click on the banner above, eaquanature.
  19. I put in big tub to wash. not those red pail shallow one. that red pail uncle use one, back-breaking man. big tub, with bigger surface area good. I do it outside my flat. pour in water. use a stick to stir it. stir..ah..stir.. ah..stir... 1min later, change water. then stir..ah..stir ah.. stir.. change water again. till water looks good. btw, some ppl use magnet to rid the sands of some metal bits. u may like to take note. just go over the sands n see wat stuffs get stuck upz. oh, yes. after the whole matter, remember to apply skin moisture. else later wife/gf complain hands too rough, as bad as sandpaper.
  20. as mention add more salt. mine also this problem in the beginning. usually when I just add salt, its not enough. next day I measure, then add some more. then next day oki liao.
  21. do u have a pic of your PH? it will helps greatly. I used to cover my PH with a long sponge. u can get one from LFS, long one abt 15cm or so, cut it, place over your PH opening, use the residue sponge to cover the opening. water will still be suck in. alternative. u can get a betta cage. quite small. btw, I am using a weipro3000 PH. it has sponge that covers the opening. so I am not afraid of it suckin in my anemone.
  22. bwilly

    Diy Filter

    saw in a book using 1.5 litre bottle n some cotton wool. add an air pump. not good enough for marine. anyway why save some bucks when the filter system is not good, killed yr livestocks?
  23. yup. need plenty of light n good water condition. mine I place high top on my LRs. then with some current flow. so far still oki, been with me for 2mths I reckon, my one. I love it when they open. also feeding it with planktons. anyway I just feed most of my coral with planktons. mine goniopora open until long long. left some mucus stuffy that time near another coral. I shifted it, so it can bloom without restriction. its called flowerpot too, I believe.
  24. nice, mine got some spots. looks kinda of stress fighting with my damsels for food. trying to feed it with garlic food. hope it recover soon.
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