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Everything posted by bwilly

  1. u try closing it n see lah. if i am not wrong. my macro skimmer if I cover the hole there's no air bubbles. and not skimming. like tis. PH take in water from the tank (with breakdown organic waste) The venturi skimmer will need to generate bubbles, and it do by extracting air from the tube. the air from the tube is mix with the water in the skimmer. organic waste will be "float" on the bubble n bring upz to the skimmer cup as times goes. (saltwater density is high, things float better than water) if u cover the hole, there's no air to mix with the water. so your hole theory I also dunno wat lah.
  2. u should not close the tube. u try closing the hole totally (place thumb over it), u will see your venturi skimmer not working at all. need hole take air to work. tat's why it can also be connect to air pump to work better.
  3. I am using weipro got from edmund our SRC sponsor. I am happy with it except for the stand. the stand is rubber and I have wrap it with alummnium foil. if not the MH heat may melt it. With the foil, after 5hrs of MH blast, its only slightly warm. (the stand)
  4. I am not racist .. Personally, I got few good indian frens.. but really 2wks back I saw few Indians visited those bars in BKK. one even bring wife. n also two Indian fellows went off with the 2 most beautiful babes in the bar. make my time there half sian after the babes left.
  5. anemone suppose need lights to produce food. same as corals. also they ate meat if u feed them. 80% light as food source, n 20% target feed. Also having a good clown residing may helps too. My maroon always feed its anemone well. shrimp meat for anemone n flakes/brine shrimp for itself.
  6. now u tik necessary or not? hehe.. anyway skimmer does skim not only nutrients n also broken down organic components from the water. so I usually off my skimmer when I drip mineral traces n planktons. nutrients is = good neber hear bad nutrients?? as for jazzben81, suck up nutrients? wonder wat's your corals going to eat..? skimmer suppose will skim off those break down organic + food waste. maybe u like to read some FAQ or loan a book.
  7. simei kangtao..? he live just next block to me. he's busy with his new tank I believe.
  8. wah liu.. u slept as late as me ah..? go to bed liao. I jagar for u.
  9. not much LFS owner will allows u to do that. if the fish is not feeding, pollute the tank. also if all fishes eat, u just get one, everyone comes try same method, overfed. theory n real life does not really apply lah. wat I do is see the fishes active or not. normal swimming or hiding one corner.
  10. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...t=0entry37513 check this thread. I using weipro 2012 + PH3000
  11. my weipro skim.. maybe help u decide..
  12. wah.. too late.. must be the guy has cycle tank for damn long, now see anytik online sumpz.. seow..
  13. she's old man.. wonder when ekin cheng going to ditch her ah..? so how's the meetupz?
  14. field? most probably borrow my fren SUV to drive from pt. to pt. attacking right back.. haha..
  15. tik I saw her at patpong dancing off the nite. after awhile she went off with an Indian guy.
  16. PH I am using. 2300 L/hr. Cost abt $35. (Can't be sure cause I got it round down by the lady boss) Weipro 2012 Skimmer could be get from abt $60.
  17. I am now using weipro 2012 + weipro wh-3000 PH. Pretty happy with the kopi-O produced.
  18. close upz. it will take 2-3days for the build upz, before the kopi-O comes abt.
  19. For those who wanted to know abt the reasonable priced weipro skimmer. I am using a weipro2012 on my 3ft tank. run in after 3days or so..
  20. use my pricing as a base for comparison loh. recent purchase, so won't anyhow upz n down too much.
  21. will makan corals. so its only suit for a fowlr tank
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