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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by bwilly

  1. just came back today from show.. One of my fav.. Too excited when I saw her, pose.. Din onz the red eye reduction.. hehe.. lazy to PS off too..
  2. tat one could be organise by hotstuff. low profile, more for tuners.. (those who like to tune their cars) Motorshow got more cars. Can't remember the specs, but the Celica does not impress me. Ages ago, still seow onz on car. Have a discussion with my fren, b4 he decide with his Nissan Silvia - S15. Of course, the S15 more X. Correct me if I am wrong. Fren got problem need to find spare parts also quite jiat liat, the PI gave him 1year warranty. (parts need to import in) For fren - rich guy, can take the dad's Volvo if S15 dun't drive. For others, who really need a wheel (n only can afford one) everyday, think twice b4 jumping into the exotic cars.
  3. wah ... u neber take with them?? celica like no power leh. my fren got a Nissan S15, or is it S16? did a drift last min. give me the fright, tik he burn a few inches off his tyres.
  4. quite.. alot of responsibility.. colleagues on leave, prepare to go reservist, clear all the work. also interest shifted to taking pics..
  5. trying feeding it when just lights off.. at nite, more active the corals..
  6. can see brownish skimmate after hours ah...? I think break in liao, the skimming comes faster..
  7. hello fren.. happy deepavali
  8. no problem. last year I din go, cause the same old cars even though have the japanese race queen. alternate year I will go down.
  9. hi..! I am going with three frens morrow.. 40% on babes, 60% on cars.. Good thing with fren, can ask him to help u take while u pose together with the chio.. came out in the newspaper.. one ah lau ask the lady to pose ######.. which I think is too much. not easy, with alot of itchy hands lingering ard.. of course the owner not as handsome as me..
  10. a month? haha.. I AWOL for few months leh..
  11. those normal LEDs kind from SLS cannot make it. I got one such from a reefer b4, the light pentration not bright enuff.. kind of dim compare to reef deport ones.
  12. Those URA parking going to cost you $1 half an hour. ACross cineleisure there's some lots. At winsland house there, (beside glutton square) also have. If u going to eat plaza sing, its 1st hour free during weekdays up to 5pm I tik.
  13. must top up if u dun have any CPF contribution.
  14. for that trap, fish is easier to catch. If u notice most of the fishes are pretty active. U dun see invertebates runnig ard often. some only come out at nite. This trap need constant monitoring, esp your "bug" I tik active at nite. Try using hose chicken essence bottle, drop food inside, the slippery side won't b so easy to climb out.
  15. at 12x zoom.. same pic Bird watch group got one japanese chio bu Pic abit blur cause hand held shot. tik nov 11 to nov 21 got motorshow at suntec. Anyone keen to go?
  16. I just went SBG shooting yesterday with hoppinghippos (one pretty "pioneer" reefer) if you all remembered him. Just got a prosumer digi camera, so have time will go around doing some shots. Saw a group of jap bird group watchers.. hehe..
  17. http://forums.clubsnap.org/showthread.php?...4511#post884511 Now I into photography.. hehe..
  18. can't wait to see your pic..
  19. using a H&S now, its a good skimmer, plus low electricity consumption.. upz for u.
  20. busy lah.. anyway tank pretty settled down.. relax n enjoy feeding the fish.. fighting algae problem though..
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