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Everything posted by bwilly

  1. timid fire goby, manage to get them this time.. haha..!! from yishun infamous shop. ok.. nothing much to take liao.. tank veri botak. doing rescaping, then minor shopping on Saturday.
  2. did some feeding, but can't manage to get them in motion grabbing the mysis..
  3. big hor, mine yuma size of purple tank..
  4. got the same kind, bigger on a big frag of rock.. two little babies on the sandbed 2..
  5. from bro deepblue.. lying on the sandbed now..
  6. looking at how Singapore play, you know its a one off run. Indonesia does not seem to be playing their normal self. Singapore used to be the whipping boys of the ASEAN teams, how come out of sudden becomes ASEAN champion??
  7. take note if you have other clowns n gamma/dottyback already in your tank..
  8. FZ20 is pretty good. Inbetween consumer and SLR camera. comes with anti-shake, 12x zoom, hotshot (for external flash). Trying out more shots tonight with it with my new tripod.
  9. tonite go your place see got wat letting go also.. haha..!
  10. thanks for all the PM. sadly there has been basically almost none offer or mention of pricing for the items. (namely LED and Fan) Cost of the stuffs I bought 1) DIY LED - $50 (bought from a fellow reefer) 2) Fan w/clip - $28 3) 3 feet PL light casing w/ballast - $80 (need to change bulb) 4) 150watts MH Bulb - $80 at least offer abit mah.. tunze one pc tentatively reserve. for the others who have not, pls tell me asap.. query is not confirm ah.. hehe..
  11. a few projects on hand lah. plus mid year appraisal veri buzi.
  12. good deal..! yuma leh..? I thought I says I want leh.. so sad.
  13. MH is bulb, sorrie for the confusion. I will sort out the PMs accordingly. tks..!
  14. thanks for all the nice comments. more of external flash which allows me to set higher shutter speed + the macro lens get me real close to the fish without blurness. actual full blown pic is 5.0megapixel, super big, can see the pimples on the fish face..
  15. yes, I am taking night class now, so only fed them once every two days.. this one was taken before I fed them.. so kind of grumpy.. hehe..
  16. Looking to sell off my 2 tunze 6060. Condition 9/10. One is pretty full of coraline algae growth, the other is 1/3 covered. Output: 6000 l/h; 1600 gal/h Pump wattage: 11 W Selling at $150 each firm. Others 3ft PL Light casing - free DIY 8 Led (blue) light - $* Ocean free Fan - $* 1 MH 150watts DE used - free Amount $* will be donated to SRC Tsunami Fund. I'll add the amount to be donated at SRC, or is it closed? if not I will donate via online. Time and location at my convenience, please, as I am taking night classes. Reserve right not to sell/give. PM me your interest.
  17. big green yuma. got from bio-ocean ages ago.. Couresty of AT... hehe..
  18. Gamma, first time snap it at such fine detail. Pioneer in my tank liao.
  19. PT froze.. Unable to take such pic with the older C3020. The external flash and macro len did wonder..
  20. Taken with my Panasonic FZ20 and external flash, fitted with a macro len. Pretty happy taken of the flame angel frozen in motion.
  21. buy abalone lah.. even the old folks got no teeth, they see liao still like to choke themselves by swallowin them whole..
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