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Everything posted by drato11

  1. Selling this small colony of Walt Smith Pink birdnest. $30. Interested contact me at 93874620.
  2. Selling this small colony of Walt Smith Pink birdnest. $30. Interested contact me at 93874620.
  3. T5 Light set reserved. Now left only Kalkwasser available.
  4. Selling stuff i'm no longer using. DIY Algae scrubber with matching pump. $15 Used it on my 3ft sumpless tank which I had since decomm. 2ft HO DIY T5 light. $20. Light fixed on PVC pipe. Complete with ebiru e-ballast, waterproof end-caps, 1 white 1 blue used T5HO tubes. Plug and play. 1 bottle of Aquapharm Kalkwasser. 90% full. $5 Interested contact me at 93874620. Self collect at my place please. Near Mt Faber SAFRA, nearest MRT Tiong Bahru,
  5. Strontium reserved. Left with Aquapharm Kalkwasser.
  6. Item 1 & 2 reserved. Left Items 3 & 4.
  7. Selling the following: 1. D-D H2O salt. The big pail. About 2/3 full. Selling $50. 2. Grotech Mag Pro instant. Additive to raise Mg level. The 3kg big pail. About 50% left. Selling $20. 3. Seachem Reef Strontium Advantage. 300g small bottle. 90-95% full. Selling $5. 4. Aquapharm Kalkwasser (limewater). 90% full. $5. Interested contact me at 93874620. Sell collect at my place please.
  8. There's no 1 ft T5 lights available. For 1 ft tank, u can only use those u-shaped PL lights i guess. Upz for the DIY T5 HO set. Just to add, it comes with waterproof endcaps as well.
  9. Additional item: Dymax 2ft NO T5 lightset. Casing holds 2 T5 (14W). Great for refugium. Selling $10.
  10. Selling the following: 1. DIY 2 tubes 2ft T5 HO lights. Both tubes mounted on a 3ft long PVC pipe as I've used them on my 3ft tank previously. Comes complete with parabolic reflectors and 1 blue 1 white T5 tubes, Ebiru e-ballast. Plug and play. Selling $25. 2. Original Hiblow 20 Air pump (Made in Japan) for sale. Comes complete with 10 airway stainless steel extension. Excellent condition. Selling $60. Interested pls contact me at 93874620. Thanks
  11. Rocks reserved. Pending collection later. Thread closed. Thanks
  12. 5 pieces of GO arti rocks for sale. Very nice shape. 3 medium, 2 small. Selling all 5 for $45. Cleaned and ready to be collected anytime. Self collect at my place. Interested call me @ 93874620. Thanks
  13. Have 3 units of 3ft five plan tanks for sale at $10 each. All sides except the front are painted with bluish white backing. Condition 8/10. Dimensions: 36 inch (length) x 18 inch (depth) x 15 inch (height) The 3 tanks sits on a custom made 1.25 inch thick stainless steel stand (3 tier). Can sell the whole set of stand and tanks for $150. Cos of stainless steel stand itself cost me close to $500. Interested pls contact me at 93874620. Thanks
  14. LRs sold and collected. Thanks for the interest
  15. Closing down 1 set of my tanks. Have a tank full of very well cured LRs. LRs running in the tank for about 2-3 yrs. Have 2 pcs of Fiji LR inside as well. LR enuf to scape a 3-4 tank nicely. Selling whole lot for $50. Need to bring at least 2 big pails to squeeze them in. Interested pls contact me at 93874620.
  16. Selling a Regal Blue tang, about 2.5 inch. Very healthy and feeds on anything. Caught and feeding in betta box now. Selling $20. Also hv some zoas frags for trade/ sale. Interested contact me at 93874620. Self collection at my place. Thanks
  17. See for urself instead of believing everything pple/ LFS says. End of the day, it's about how comfortable you are with the shop setting up your tank. Look at the display tank of the various shops you've been to. Obviously the one with a healthy display tank will show that they know what they're talking about when advising you about your set up. My tank is set up by AquaMarin, it's been running for close to 4 yrs oredi, and I have no complains at all.
  18. Just got back from AM JK: Super cute sized Powder Blue Tang! Very nice body shaped as well! Left 3 more yellow belly Regal Angel.
  19. Hydor K2 should work fine in ur tank. The K2 is very good becos the flow is spread out, compared to other wavemakers than shoots out in a single stream. I have K2, K3, 6025, 6055. My suggestion for ur 2ft is to go for the K2.
  20. Bro greywolf ! U can get it from the LFS very near to your home.
  21. Upz for ur healthy fishes bro! The small AT u sold me, is now about 4inch big, and the teardrop has grown big big!
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