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Everything posted by hijackng

  1. OMG... amazing SPS tank. I thought my tank is pack until I saw yours. Beautiful....
  2. Blue tort and blue tip stag sold. left a few green mille, pink birdnest and montipora spongodes
  3. new upgraded forum, new stag picture to mark this date
  4. Is that Red Red Acan for SHI-FU? hahaha...
  5. I usually take with the highest resolution cos more often I need to crop the picture to have a neat look. With high resolution I can crop freely without worry the picture tear too much. As for how to crop to look neat, I really dun know how to tell you... It a kind of feeling... hahaha... Comparison photo. before and after.
  6. Thanks, glad you enjoy the photo. As compare to the past, more people own a decent DSLR and already know how to take saloon shot with it. However, for taking photo of subject in fish tank, especially through thick glass. The photographer must take note that the lens must be parallel to the glass panel to capture more detail. Comparison photo below shows the different.
  7. Montipora spongodes about 3 inch across $50
  8. Watt Smith pink birdnest $20 each frag
  9. hi, selling green millepora frags. $15 each.
  10. Thanks. I luv to share but dun know where to start.... Most important is your subject must be in focus, then the rest is "photoshop".. hehe.
  11. wow.. handsome fish and beautiful soft coral behind that handsome.
  12. thanks. There are alot of unsighting part of my reef tank which I crop away from my photo.
  13. that I one yet to take photograph of it. At the rear left corner.... The monti scroll become my fav now
  14. Luv the new look of my tank with the addition of monti plate.
  15. after trimmed away the large base that grow over few years.. a new mini pink mille added
  16. Did some trimming on my green milli colony this weekend. before trimming..
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