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Everything posted by dominik

  1. difficult then can transfer to me. i got no ric leh.
  2. use this to split the tap. one for DI, the other for washing machine.
  3. your osim water same from my tap water.
  4. those are majano anemones. some consider them as pest. i have three.
  5. i am using rio20 for my 22 inch RM beckett. No problem.
  6. model of marco skimmer? comes with pump? any pic?
  7. Hi, going to start a 2 by 1 by 1 feet tank so looking for a suitable protien skimmer. Pls state your skimmer foot print and size. Thanks.
  8. in terms equipment much simpler. maintenance wise depends on wat type of plants you keeping. most plants need to be trimmed regularly if not it will be like my last pic, messy.
  9. R u singaporean? CL280 can support your tank? Tank got no fish?
  10. can show pic? maybe get from you this sat.
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