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Everything posted by dominik

  1. Hi, is there any success story on planted setup? I understand this method will remove CO2 so it might not be too useful for planted.
  2. 3ft (h) by 3ft (l) by 2ft (. now selling at $25. must clear by 26 dec.
  3. Pictures can be seen in the tank thread in the first post. The cabinet is 3ft(length) by 2ft(breadth) by 3ft(height). Anyway, here is one of the picture. Price now is $35
  4. Hi, selling the refugium's cabinet only. No tank. Selling at $40. Collection at Bukit Batok Central opp West mall. Must collect by 26 Dec. Sms 92234746. cabinet
  5. hi, i am selling my hilux 3ft 150w mh with 2 x39w ho light set @ $100. sms me at 92234746
  6. Hi, anyone know how much does the JBJ ATO cost? where to get the cheapest?
  7. Hi selling the light at $120. sms me at 92234746. collection at bukit batok central opp west mall.
  8. Hi, clearing everything at a very cheap price $180. 1) 3ft by 1.5ft by 1.5 ft tank, thickness 10mm comes with sump and cabinet 2) laguna return pump 3) 9W uv light 4) auto top up 5) refugium in cabinet, cabinet size 3ft by 2ft by 2ft. (link with main tank's sump) tank current pics Pls arrange your own transportation. Tank can be view at bukit batok central opp west mall. SMS me at 92234746
  9. $350 take all. Items include: 1) 3ft main tank with sump and cabinet 2) Laguna return pump 3) UV light 4) built in sump fresh water auto top up 5) refugium with cabinet
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