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Everything posted by taylapong

  1. Yeah, i read before that skimming might rob the water of many essential organic matter that is good for the corals etc... that's why i decided against it and used a plenum... just wondering if i should restart my tank cos the last time it was such a failure...
  2. hehe.., yeah, that's what i noticed! everyone here's using a skimme! Started a marine tank 2 years ago, but it's been inactive (dead) for a year... was wondering if my failure was due to the lack of a skimmer... or something else!!??!!
  3. Hey everyone... I was just wondering what your views are on the most essential piece of equipment you use for ensuring water quality? It could be filters, sumps, wet-dry trickle filters, protein skimmers, or anything else you use... Why are they so essential? Just wanted to find out what you guys thought!
  4. does the tank come with cabinet and sump?
  5. hI, can send a picture to taylapong81@yahoo.com.sg please? Thanks!
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