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Everything posted by cdckjn

  1. Lionfish is also toxic if get poked by the spines? Best I stay with clownfishes.
  2. I think it is the cowry shell - does it gives off toxins when it is dying? So far the snail's body is slowing decreasign in size. I guess it must be this or the sea cucumber got sucked into the pump. What ever the case, I am just going to recycle the tank, perhaps do a water change then restart again slowly to add livestock. Sad case because my two blue tang grew from baby size to 5". Any suggestion of interesting other fishes? Was think of lionfish - cheap but feeding will be a problem - live bait. if not will go back to common clowns and blue tang.
  3. Monday morning at work, my wife SMS me to say that all my fishes all have died. The pumps and all electrical equipment was working fine. Only the marron clown is still alive. When I return home at 5pm, I found 2 blue tang, 4 common clowns, 2 firefishes, 1 hawkfish and 2 chromis are all dead. The cleaner shrimps, 3 starfishes, 2 cucumbers are still fine. What I wish to know is taht what happened are why? Any one got any ideas? My tank is 2.5ft with a sump (same size), no chiller, running FL lights, Weipro 2014 Skimmer, FOWLR tank.
  4. I have done some research on this. It is called the Romaurie-Effect. Basically, you will have two tank, one large flat horizontal, then the tall vertical one, you can just put it upside down. Then at the base or "top" of the vertical tank must have a non-return valve. You then insert a vaccuum pump to this valve. then turn on the vaccuum, the vaccuum will suck air out, and as long as the horizontal tank is filled with water, the water column will rise up the vaccuum to the vertical tank. Once filled, then off vaccuum, lock the non-return valve, then the water will stay inside the vertical tank with spillage. Fishes can swim in and out with any problem. Any advantages to marine tank, I am not so sure.
  5. I take it that from 1st picture the pump will pump water thru' back of wall to the blue container, where skimmer, etc is then return thru' the wall again into the tank. A very interesting idea. what's you idea of livestock? I guess from the thickness of tank it is about 6" therefore cannot get big fishes, more like firefishes, clowns, gobies etc.
  6. Cool, looks very good, can post pictures of your equipment as well. Thanks.
  7. I sometimes feed my fishes with market prawns but then the skimmer will have to work double-hard as then the skimmate will become a lot.
  8. I actually have chocolate stars from Am but they don't attack my mushrooms - so far no problems with them.
  9. 2ft tank + 4 anemones + a wave-maker = DANGER - the current maybe too strong for the anemones - they may get minced/sucked into the wave maker - and you will have LOTS of problems. better cover the wave-maker else minced anemones. Anemones - you really need a chiller else the anemones will die off slowly also giving you problems. Take Care.
  10. I had this tomato clown in a 2ft tank with at first 2 common clown. The 2 common clown got attacked by this tomato, so I fed up and then bought 2 more common clown so now have 4 common clowns and so over power the tomato clown - but even as they go near they will get chase but not attack when only got 2.
  11. where is your collection point? Thanks.
  12. Use new sand in new tank, scoop a few scoops of old sand from current tank to "seed" the new sand in new tank, this way you can speed up the process of cycling.
  13. Ultimately, I suggest that if you don't want the crab, get rid of it as it WILL grow bigger and it has to strength to topple your live-rock. Yes now it will eat whatever is left-over at the bottom, but it may get so big that one day will attack your fish. I have a tank in my school, I have a 2.5" foxface and due to a Public Holiday, when I return back to school after a 4 -days (Public Holiday+Weekend), the foxface disappear without any trace - I think the crab attacked the foxface. So in my opinion, get rid of it while you can.
  14. Don't have time to go through the whole list, just hit a few - does it look like this? I don't think so - perhaps you can verify - Good Luck http://habitatnews.nus.edu.sg/guidebooks/m...sh/text/312.htm
  15. Interested in your Seio M620 wavemaker & Nano Resun SK 05 protein skimmer. Where to collect? Thanks.
  16. Interested. Where is your place? Thanks.
  17. I think that if you can, get a weipro skimmer which can be hang-on, but it will look a bit unsightly. So if you eveything in the cabinet, then need a "sump" - just a small container will do. Then connect the cansister inlet to this container then the cansister outlte back to the main tank. shoule be able to work.
  18. Do a simple 20% water change - use distilled water - buy from NTUC/Sheng Siong - those 1litre-2litre type and then mix salt. and then replace in the tank. This should be the cheapest and easiest way. Tangs will normally have ich - there is not much you can do - I don't really like to put in medication. The other way is to dip food into garlic juice and then feed the fishes - garlic will counteract the ich. Good luck.
  19. Xinmin Sec. If you can SMS me, I PM you my contact already then you can put it in the tank.
  20. Ok I will take it for my School's marine tank - school is in Hougang Ave 8. Can I collect tonight? I will PM you my contact. Thanks.
  21. They are both marron clown, as sometimes if you buy the common clown, their colours can be different shades of orange. I feel that if you let them stablise as while and with the lights switch on, their colours will sort of blend and the lighter one will turn darker while the darker will turn lighter. This is just my 2-cents worth.
  22. I think if these come from our local beach then they are normal sand sifters, I know they look kind of horrible and ugly with the spiny bits everywhere, but they are very good sand sifters. http://chekjawa.nus.edu.sg/ria/text/seastars.htm http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...&pcatid=572 They will climb up to the surface (in search of food) when they cannot find any, they will drop back to the bottom again. They will feed on any leftover food, dirt or waste in your tank. If you intent to keep them currently in your holding tank, then get them some sand (from the same beach they were caught) occassionally throw in a few pellets/prawns so they will feed on them. No need for air as they overall surface area of your tank is big enough.
  23. Sorry I want this, can PM me your address, I stay Hougang and I don't drive so can perhaps go and collect in the weekend. Thanks.
  24. TEM chiller - just do a search - you will be able to find some links to it. As what I understand the down side to the TEM is that the temperature difference is about 2-3 degrees whcih means it can only reduce your tank temperature about 2-3 degress lower than teh ambient tempertaure which is ok for a nano tank. The other thing is that there is no temperature control for the TEM chiller. So if you want more actually buy a proper nano-sized chiller. The cost of both the euqipment (chiller or TEM chiller) will works out to be the same.
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