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Everything posted by cdckjn

  1. I got 2 air stone skimmers DYNAMAX brand, 2 low noise air pumps, 2 limewood air stone to sell if you are interested - I tried it and if tune correct can get thick black teh-o colour skimmate. But I must add if you tune correctly. Can let go at total package $25. This whole setup bought only 2 months ago. now using weipro.
  2. sorri again.... what does it sells..... fishes or corals or soft corals or hard corals, or both? Sorry new to the hobby, interested to know what place sells what so that next time, some reefers who wants to go to this or that place then can share to go there... pls advise. Cheers
  3. Sorry Vinceire, just bump into your thread, this picture makes me wonder.... how old are your kids? from what you say, I guess both your kids are young, less than 10, than having this air gap above the lihts may pose problems like balloons flying in there and then bursting etc, balls thrown in the air and then accidently dropping in... well, may be a good idea to cover it with eggcrate so that it allows air to pass through without any thing dropping in. Just a thought....
  4. Sorri, Very newbie me, where is ML???? Please spell in full. Thanks. Me stay in Hougang. Cheers.
  5. Next year thought of going to Palau Redang - been there once last year. That's was before I got into marine fishes. When I was there, saw a lot of sea cucumber, sea urchins, etc etc. All on the sea bed - which is about 1.5 metres down. Can we just catch some and then bring them back? What are hermit crabs? It is okay to bring them back? If yes, then the "clean-up crew" is free - just for for a nice holiday and "import" back the cleanup crew. just a thought . . . .
  6. KIM is in Hougang Ave 5. saw his rocks before, nice condition, several very big.
  7. I re-started this tank since National Day 2005 (bought the tank+live rocks 2nd hand) so that makes 3 months. But got a 5inch goby and a black cucumber which keeps the sand very clean. ?? It that okay? Ok, will take advise - turn on the light more often - (waste electricity - utility bill already very high - I guess all reefers' problems right?) Ok Thanks for all advise.
  8. 2 Questions, a) when you meant feeding it - do I drop the cut-up prawninto the centre of the anemone - where there is "hole" the mouth right? when you meant "bleached" - I am aware that you need light for the anemone - because of the "algae" growing in them - question is normally sunlight (diffused since the main tank is in the balcony) sufficient by itself. I normally switch on the lights awhile in the evening but is that sufficient?
  9. That's what I thought - but if I switch on the actinic lights, the anemone has neon yellow colouration. The point is... is this a bubble tip anemone or something else? Please advise. Thanks.
  10. I think what he meant is soaking in fresh water for a certain length of time, how long, I think one day??? I am no expert in this area, just my 2-cents worth.
  11. yes tore the areas where I need to scilione before I apply the scilione. By the time I go back today, I will waer all paper away and pour fresh water in. then check if got leaks. if all checks out, I will put a powerhead inside to cycle the water to clean out all the "oil" from the scilione away.
  12. there was a thread a while back . . . . something like only 5kg is allowed. check the threads please.
  13. Nice, Good job keep posting new pics.
  14. I thought that I want to keep pictures smaller so that it will be faster and easier for loading and reading.
  15. another view for the "other" side. This is because this tank is at my balcony - the side that is facing my living room so I can get 2 views of my tank - one while standing in the balcony the other view is when you are standing in the living room. Now, have to wait until silicone dries. Have to cut 2 more smaller pieces for the flow from the main tank. Will be getting my overflow pipes from a fellow reefer who is giving up due to him starting his new job this Thursday. By then the scilione would have more than 24 hours to dry, then I can put a full "wet" test with plian water. Intend then to cycle the fresh water for about 2 days - to flush any oil - from the scilione. then add salt, then fix up the overflow and then hopefully the sump will be in full operation. Wish me luck.
  16. Now I stuck the 2nd baffle to prevent air bubbles for going into the main area. I also have a separator for putting the filter wool and egg-crate for the flow from the main water. The front area is where I will put the pump for the Weipro. The actual Weipro I intend to be hanging on the inside wall of the sump.
  17. Now this is affixed to the corner.
  18. Then I started to make the corner of the return pump area. I did that on a plastic stool and let the silicone dry a little before sticking it into the sump. I used my workplace cross-cut saw to cut the "teeths". I did the cuts on bith sides in order to get a smooth clean cut. Thanks to the machine tools for a good cut.
  19. This 1st piece of arcylic to be silicone. This is to be raised up so you can see that I used the LEGO blocks as spacers. Then I used the silicone to apply at the sides.
  20. I bought a tube of this silicone although there is a warning that this is not suitable of long-term water immersion I think it will be fine.
  21. I used my son's LEGO blocks to act as spacers for the building up of the baffles.
  22. This is the installation of the various pieces of acrylic for building up of the sump.
  23. This is a result of the bit of research that I have done. Find out at this thread http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=39932 Now this is the start of my construction of the DIY sump. I hope that it works out fine. This is a picture of the 2ft tank at the bottom of my main tank. This is the BEFORE picture.
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