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Everything posted by cdckjn

  1. there is a reefer selling weipro 2011 and pump at $20 http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...topic=41264&hl= check it out
  2. THIS IS ONLY MY TWO-CENTS WORTH! In my very honest opinion, some of here in the Reef Club are fanatics.... what I mean is that we take our hobby very very very serious. We buy chiller, skimmer, we add chemicals into the water to encourage growth of corals, lighting also we take care, timings, chnaging of water, parameters etc etc tec. Honestly, we all have seen the conditions of the seawater in our seas (Changi, East Coast, Pasir Ris, etc) we know how dirty and in fact I have taken water from Punggol the s.g. is only 1.02 but there is fishes in the seas. If we seen some of the pictures taken in the Kusu island, we will actually seen corals and fishes in these local water. Question I want to ask is... is that water anywhere near our parameters???? Answer I dare say is NO. But it is there. I been to Palau Rendeng, crystal clear blue water, beautiful fishes everywhere, but who takes cares of them, GOD?? Yes, I think so. Back to this matter in hand, I guess that sometimes I do just pour in 3 cupfuls of "tap water" directly into the sump - to top up the evaporated water. But I do monitor the nitrate and S.g. every 4-5 days. I guess that if we pamper our fishes, then they become used to the "wealthy" ways, in the high seas, these fishes are not feed daily, they eat whatever they can find in the deep blue sea. Yes since we are the "cruel" ones who want to keep them then we should take good care of them. Conclusion is that some people do not pay so much attention and thus the fishes compensate for the abuse and adapt quickly to the adverse conditions that they are in and make do. For the rest of us, we can just take very very good care of our percious little small part of the ocean that we created.
  3. can you draw a simple sktech or drawing to show this?
  4. yes loh, how can be rag and bone??? Got Beckettm got chiller, you must save a lot on that NS pay of yours, last time, my NS pay even if I am a officer only got $500++ per month. Nowsdays NS life is SO SO much better.
  5. I would like to find out if it is possible for the common clown fish to catch ish from the tangs? This is because I have 2 common clown who seems to have a whiteish growth of the sides of the gills area and one of them have a white growth on the top of the vertical fins.
  6. That is the use of the thcik filter paper that we use to use in the science labs during our school days??? I can get some of those and use it to try. Thanks.
  7. I went to a fellow reefer's tank, he says that those little dust, bits of floating particles can/will flow down to through the overflow into the sump but mine does not. I was thniking is there any ways effectively that can remove this "floating oil" on the surface of water, my overflow does not seems to draw it down to the sump? Can I use an external method, using filter paper to "suck" up these particles? any seniors got any ideas to share? Thanks.
  8. I buy my electric-blue legged hermit crab from AquaMar**. They charge me at 3 for $10. Of course I bought fishes from them as well. So far, most livestcok I buy from there (becuase I stay in Hougang, so Jalan Kayu quite near). Their prices is so far so good.
  9. my flame goby not eating - tried pellets, mypsis shrimps, brine shrimp also not touching, what do I feed it?
  10. Tanga, I agree with you on that point. Patience is .... well, patience, wait and wait and be patient. Most things in life is NEVER EVER free. Those that come FREE comes with a price to pay. Either you take it or leave it. I did offer Mr Crabs some damsel fishes at a small price, just because he lives ONLY half a isalnd away, he says that this is TOO far. Well, distance is a small thing to pay for something at a discount. Nowsdays even young people are picky and choosy, they always want things free and easy, they hardly believe in hard work and working for their rewards. So it is good and okay for them (the young people amongst us) to learn and start to appreciate the finer things in life. My thoughts. . . .
  11. cdckjn

    DIY Moonlight

    interested in knowing how you can achieve this. . . .
  12. I use a goby and a sea cucumber, 2 starfish, 4-5 snails, 2 electric-blue hermit crab and 1 red-leg hermit crab. The sea cucumber is very effective, it eats the sand, then "poos" out balls of white clean sand - my favourite vaccuum cleaner - very good worker.
  13. Interested but not very free this Sunday must confirm with you later. Pls email me your contact number.
  14. Three Spot Domino Damselfish Yellowtail Damselfish Yellow Damselfish Four Stripe Damselfish http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/scateg.cfm?pCatId=28 go here for pics perhaps $6
  15. I got 4 damsels for a small token sum of money - if you are interested. I am located in Hougang - after your exams can arrange with me to pick it up if you are interested.
  16. In my opinion and my research, the blue-legged hermit crab is reef-safe, while the red-legged ones will tend to attacka nd eat up snails for their shell, sometimes for fun (just in case they need the shell).
  17. look around in this forum, you will find many - some may not be teh actual sizes but perhaps can explore options.
  19. cdckjn

    Acrylic glue

    LoReNsIa, you are D&T teacher or you are student? Chloroform is a controlled chemical.
  20. whether the case, it just proves one point, be careful, don't point your nose into anything that does not concern you, or you get "CLAM-ed" ok ok poor fish, poor clam, this proves life is never fair, both ways each other will suffer.
  21. I use a long stick (those that use by my children for lanterns) and can 3-4 rubber bands and tie a plastic spoon, then use it to push things over in the tank. Make another one then can use it as a long chopstick, can tie one with a fork, then can pick things up.
  22. your anemone looks like mine, yellowish in colour, I guess that it is noraml then. The whitish liquid is not very good - I think like what others say, better throw that one away.
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