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Everything posted by cdckjn

  1. Great idea, after that go to T95 and Aqua***** and do some more shopping to decorate and give fishes some treats to eat???
  2. I agree with fellow reefers' view. coral chips can trap a lot, alot alot of dirt and when not treated, nitrate bomb can happen. Also in my opionion, always excellent to upgrade the skimmer to better one to better handle the water.
  3. I am a school teacher and I have 2 groups of students whose project is to frag and proprogate soft corals. My school is in Hougang - and as such I would like to request if you could kindly donate several pieces of your live rock to our tank so that we can mature the water faster. We are looking to set up the tank by this March so that during the school holidays the students will start to frag the mushrooms and yumas. Thanks.
  4. Good that I found your tank thread. Great commentary. keep up the Great Work!
  5. I am interested. But where you stay? I stay in Hougang. Got no car. Can delivery please? Thanks.
  6. from the pics, I would say that they are all small. about 50 cent maximum size (compared to the slots and holes in the pictures). therefore I conclude size about 50-cent coin size. Nice colour though.
  7. I think that the rockscape is fine - like what the rest say - introduce your livestock and corals and then readjust the rockscape to achieve the correct lighting and flow.
  8. I thought that this mature gold colour is very neutral - very earthy - alhough I find that it is a little too difficult for me to match in daily wear - I am a school teacher.
  9. if sucessfully grown bigger, I am willing to adopt some from you please?
  10. Whoa, so nice photos. I downloaded most of them will be using them as my screensaver. Great photos!!!
  11. Thought I saw once before at a LFS. It is a sea-spider. No sure whether if it is reef-friendly.
  12. nice 2ft tank. keep up great work. Love small tanks. Very Zen look to your tank.
  13. I am currently involved in a project with 2 groups of secondary school kids - title of project - fragging and propagate soft corals - I am interested in your rics - but as a school project - cannot spend a lot - but if you are willing to donate or sell at low low price to us - we will use your stock to frag then grow and mutliply them later as the project progresses. All credit will go to you. I hope that you can consider this and then get in touch with me. Thanks a lot.
  14. cdckjn

    diy t5

    cool setup for a 4ft. Same concern here regarding the heat from ballast.
  15. any pics how the tank is doing now??? It will be inspiring and will silence a lot of negative comments if the tank is alive and kicking still.
  16. no photo was $40 , with photo is $50 - which is what price? or both same?
  17. my 2-cents get the offer from Aquamarin the 2ft T5 for $85+, I think, T5 are good enough for 2ft.
  18. add filter media in 1st compartment, skimmer in the 2nd compartment, return pump in the 3rd compartment
  19. from photo, it appears that there is a CPU fan in between the heat sinks, are you switching on the fan to aid the cooling? If yes, there is a lot of cooling as the water is evaporating rather fast from teh numerous fins in the heat sinks.
  20. layer of OIL? using a surface skimmer to remove it.
  21. good job on all the tanks. I feel that same about our 2ft tank - may be overcrowding it it. Am worried about your water condition in your 2ft tank unless you have a very efficient system.
  22. Hey, this heat sink is VERY interesting, can try to see if it reallt can bring down the temperature of the water down. If you put for the lights, definitely will work lah. What I am also concern if the rusting unless you use aluminium heat sinks, but is aluiminium safe? will it still oxides?
  23. In my opinion, that is about the max a 1.2ft tank can take - if you measure fish vs surface area. I think that these fishes are low polluants - so as long as you feed moderately - then the bioload should be alright.
  24. I would buy rocks from fellow reefers - in this way you can almost be sure that the rocks do not have any funny new "stuff" that should surprise you. But cannot be help if you buy soft corals from the LFS - almost 100% got hitchhakers (from my experience).
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