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Everything posted by cdckjn

  1. A great looking tank. So far I enjoyed reading the process you have taken to set up a "swee swee" tank. Great job brother. Hope that your clowns will pair and mate and bring joy to your family. Keep those pics coming.
  2. got pics of your goby?? If you can hold these for me until this weekend, I may take all - my school's tank needs to be set up 1st.
  3. nice tank. Personally I feel that since we want to keep a marine fish tank we should do it properly - this is - at least try to recreate an environoment as close to the real natural one as possible - which means sand, live rocks, some corals etc and of course fishes.
  4. personally for myself, I learnt a lot for all of you. I have enjoyed the experiences of starting, keeping and maintaining a tank. Of course I may not advance to the next stage (keeping SPS etc, having a 4ft etc) I believe that due to cost, commitment to the fishes and responsibilities of family and everything, so so far I will stay happy where I am. But I am willing to stay in this forum as longer as I can, to contribute my experiences to other beginners so that they can gain and have a good experiences in keeping a marine tank.
  5. Sorry guys and gals, YES the pictures were taken and posted on the 14th. But I started the cycling (mixing in the distilled water and salt) one week ago. After one week I then put in the bacteria tablet and then wait 2 more days later before introduce livestock. Should be alright. In fact, this morning, when came to office, realise one of the cleaner shrimp already molted and I feed them brine shrimps, clowns taking it well. So I actually bougt in my frags and now they are in the corner.
  6. closeup of the two clownfishes. All my colleagues luv them. They are so CUTE!!!! So having a tank in the office makes it a conversation point.
  7. Now just bought stuff at T95 and Aquamarin yesterday. So now livestock is 3 clumps of mushrooms/yumas... 2 small cleaner shrimps, 2 true percula clownfishes. already eating some pellets. Will try to bring brine shrimps tomorrow to try.
  8. then do a test, and it works!!!! and that's how the simple partition is in place. Originally idea was to use another powerhead to act as the skimmer. The skimmer is the normal air-stone type (less than $10) and since the powerhead is pumping water, it will suck air from the air tube and then generate bubbles. Tried it and the effect is not very ideal, so forget that idea. Decide to run it skimmerless. Now with tank in office and since distilled is easily available, will then do monthly 10% change of water.
  9. the construction process of the tank - DIY process. get a tank from a friend - then DIY the partition at the workshop. Then silicon it together and then silicon it to the tank. let it dry.
  10. yes, it is from me later on when I am suppose to frag the mushrooms or yuma. The coral chips will be good for them to reattach themselves to.
  11. sorry but where is the collection place or are you willing to deliver???
  12. one is a dead hammer but there is the green algae and red algae growing on it. the other is a tonga branch. I am intending to buy some mushrooms/yumas so that the rocks that they come with can add to the live rocks. am I right to assume it this way???
  13. stressed??? Mine sometimes is like yours. But after a while, they will open up nicely. But it does not stay longer this way.
  14. Hi all, one question regarding clownfishes, do only the true ones mate and spawn? or do false ones do as well? Because most of the forums only reported true percula clownfishes mating and spawning. I hardly hear that false percula mates and spawns. Is it that because false percula are much cheaper ($1 - $3 each) compared to true percula ($15 - $25). and when the true mates and spawns, it is "great news" ? Any comments anyone?
  15. pretty certain that tank of this size is Pico.
  16. put in some live rocks and a featherduster. throw in some bacteria powder and tablet. It works the last time - really speed up the cycling and keeps the sand and tank stable. Hope that can go and get the clownfishes and mushrooms this Fri. Will post pictures then.
  17. no, actually it is just from the oveflow. I originally want to incorporate a skimmer into this design - an air-stone with type but the partition was too small, so now since have this foam forming, can just skim off the foam to remove any dirt.
  18. SMS you my address, already. Thanks.
  19. the main tank - now empty - the live rocks will be those that the mushrooms and yumas come with. Is that a good idea? That means that I only need a few good pieces from my matured tank at home. The rest will be those where the softies will be on.
  20. the filtering system. will add more blue- filter wool when more livestock inside. will put mushrooms and yumas. 2 clownfishes, 2 cleaner shrimps.
  21. as the picture about, you can see the 100plus bottle as reference to the size.
  22. As promised, this is the tank I am setting up in my school. This tank is given by my colleague who gave up on fresh water. I then added in the partition so that I can have some surface skimming as the water will push dirt down and be trapped by the filter material. Then it goes to the pump where it is pumped back to the main tank. So in this area, it can become my “sump” as I can put some live rocks inside as well. In the main tank, there is a thin sand bed. I prefer sand as it looks more natural. At the corner are the coral chips. The coral chips are meant for the softies (mushrooms or yumas) to be re-attached as I would intend to frag them. I will hope to go to buy the mushrooms and yumas from T95 (Seletar) this Friday. I hope that by then my knee will be in better condition to walk. (over the weekend, it went haywire, and now I have difficulties walking, limping now). The pictures are taken with my new handphone Sony Ericsson K600i. It has a good 1.3 megapixel camera. And the picture output is directly 640x480 which then I can upload without problems.
  23. carpenter's fairy $3 diamond watchman goby $2 yellow watchman goby $2 green mandarin $3 bicolor dottyback $3 sally light foot crab $3 interested in these. I also stay in Hougang can you deliver to me? As I am not so mobile, jsut over the weekend, my left knee has "given up" on me, so not I can really walk too much - limping. Please SMS me 96419855. Thanks.
  24. Nice looking tank. Keep it up! I would prefer my tanks with at least a thin sand bed - looks more natural to me.
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