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Everything posted by cdckjn

  1. hamster collected. thread closed. thanks.
  2. ok lum 13101 is the 1st person, will give hamster on Wed. if kena aeroplane, then there is another person willing to adopt this poor hamster.
  3. Yes, it is a winter white hamster. Don't know the sex of it though!
  4. I have got a hamster for adoption to a good home. FOC - collection at Hougang Ave 5. Pls respond to thread. Thanks.
  5. as in his 1st post - Punggol. Personally saw his tank - truly inspired, but now no time, no space to set up another tank for these pretty seahorses. SAD SAD.
  6. if your turnover rate is so fast, then it will create some sort of flowrate within the main display tank. In my opinion, it is best to be over-the-top with the turnover rate and then to prevent "dead corners" within the display tank - to have wavemakers to stir up the water.
  7. Sorry Peong, if I would like the Hawkfish for home tank and the boxer shrimp and fire goby for school tank, can collect from you on Sunday evening - if you have caught the firegoby. SMS me please, many thanks.
  8. Can visit you first to leanr more about Seahorses before trying out? Please call 96419855 thanks.
  9. Interested in your Item 3 - 1 unknown blenny, 1 goby, 1x3inches fox face - $8 *foc 1 yellow damsel Please SMS me 96419855. Thanks.
  10. Sorry Borinz, where you stay again? Can collect?
  11. The black ones - quite common to find - vey effective - "eats" sand and then "poops" the cleaned sand from behind.
  12. Chaeto - I HAVE, I CAN GIVE YOU A CLUMP of it. PM me the address to collect ot you have to come and get it as I don't have transport. Cheers.
  13. don't mind collecting from you if it is still available.
  14. Hi I am now thinking that I will try to create a tank that is about 8"x8"x8" powered by a USB-powered pump to house perhaps some pistol shrimp, with some live rock. We see how long this will last with regular weekly water change.
  15. in my honest opinion, your 1.5ft is aleady reasonably stocked, maybe just one more fish - not the blue tang as the blue tang grows very fast.
  16. I have been keeping marine fishes FOWLR (and mushrooms) for about 3 years now. I have tried once a pico tank, (18" x 12" x12") (about 9 gallons) with internal overflow and return pump (all-in-one) I have liverocks, 2 clowns and some featherdusters inside. After a good 6 months without water change, it was more or less self-sustaining. But due to the need to relocate cubicle space in my office (shifting to the 2nd level) and due to the moving and shaking, when transfer to the 2nd level, the tank crashed. So I washed all out. The fishes were in pretty bad shape by the time I bought them to my main tank (2.5ft x 2ft x 2 ft with 2.5ft x 2ft x 2ft sump) they did not make it. So what I like to know now is, what the smallest size that we can have a pico tank what does not require regular water change at all. (as I am in the office - so perhaps maybe once or twice and year is okay with me)???? Thanks.
  17. sorry don't have any thing except small frag of zoos. perhaps can give me insetad? Thanks.
  18. just started a 2ft nano FOLWR tank for my secondary school Student Recreation Centre. Now currently the tank is in the workshop until the livestock is now settled before transferring downstairs to the Student's Rec-centre. The bed is made of crushed coral chip which is used at my home 2.5ft tank's sump. I also transferred several of the liverock from there. So started by getting the tank which I got from a fellow reefer for $15 - he gave me a light, the hang-on filter, the 2ft Nisso tank and as well as the IKEA TV rack. The tank is on placed higher on a used OHP trolley instead so that it is easier to move the tank around in case of holiday etc. The TV rack will be used to put the a TV later in the Rec-centre. Over that weekend, got a free clown and a star-sifter (with one leg broken) and put into the tank. (I know that I should wait for at least a week but I thought as I let it cycle for at least 3 days as these liverocks and the coral chips should do the trick. I was happy that over the 1st weekend (19 to 20 Jan) everywhere was well and good. At first the clown was very nervous and shy. But soon after 2 days was feeding well. Unfortunately by 28 Jan 2008, the star sifter shows signs of disintergrating and I had to remove it by 30 Jan 2008. On the 31st Jan we went to T95 to buy one more clown and a redish damsel, a hermit crab and 2 rocks of mushrooms for $15. So, so far, I had only spent $30 and another $20 for the salt and fish food at Pet Mart. Not bad for a SUPER-LOW budget tank for the students. Now I will allow all livestock to stay a while for the weekend before adding perhaps a shrimp (either cleaner or boxer). (No stock at T95) So now the full tank shot shows the aquascape with the various live rocks and dead corals skeletons, as well a right and left group of mushrooms.
  19. Ok looks pretty good. A few questions to add on 1. Where you intent to put the skimmer and the hang-on filter? 2. What livestock you want to put inside? a pair of clowns and anything else? Shrimps, mushrooms? 3. The Bio-rings/sponge will need regular cleaning. 4. The tank appears to be at your table - what's the temperature like at the office? Over the weekend?
  20. It is ok, but if the buyer does not want the clown and goby, please contact me again. Many Thanks.
  21. So far so good with the Full Tank Shot! Great results wih the lack of a chiller. Awesome scaping with the 2 caves. Bubbles doing well. Keep it up!
  22. I use Cheato as the filter wool??? I put them in the gaps between the baffles of the sump, therefore the cheato can help the reduction of the nitrate, and they have light as well, therefore no need to wash, just change water??
  23. I will agree with akahoshi as more than 3 times means 3 fishes have died in your "hands". I would stop killing these species and try something else. But of course if I have upgraded my tank, improved on the parameters or equipment then I might try again. But if I fail even after these measures, then I will really give up on trying to keep this type of fish.
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