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Everything posted by Maxstar81

  1. Honda, your eyes veri sharp .... No prize for guessing where it came from....
  2. Nice !!! Love the scaping !!! Btw, is that you in your avatar !?
  3. Love the rug U used !!! Nice tank shot of the tank too !!!
  4. Wao .... Look at the skimmate man from that skimmer.... U are over working it man .... Love the anemone. Cool !!!
  5. A little update. Couldn't resist all the temptation after the recent hype about sun corals..... (especially after seeing the super sun at harlequin) Ok, my 2nd attempt at sun coral. My 1st was a black sun which i sold to Hondaker. Its in good hands. Now i'm gonna give sun coral another try.
  6. The yellow goby is unlikely to jump.... To slow IMO. Ha ha. Cute
  7. Almost none left. (09/04/06, 1pm) I bought when they 1st bought it in which was quite a while already.
  8. Inspiring. Some can print & use as post cards. Some very interesting angles too. Can tell me the camera model used. Thanks! Love esp the sea fan, clam & frogspawn. Respect !!!
  9. Can send me the full shot to spinx63@yahoo.com Wanna see closer. Nice. Respect. The only thing i dun like is the leather on the top right....
  10. I believe they will only kill for a suitable shell. This can be avoided by having 1 or 2 spare shells in the tank. Think hard. They're a time bomb. If it goes off, everything might just go up the lorry. I buy cos nano not much stuff so dare 2 play.
  11. nano-reef.com got a mini skimmer built for nanocube. Not very efficient. U can try if U like. I dun think singapore got something so small leh .... Oh..... IMO, take out the bio balls....
  12. The prawn meat is actually for the anemones but the LS like to eat also leh. Just throw in bits of cut up prawn meat & see them chiong ah.
  13. Can i request for a full tank shot please.
  14. Not very focus but whats going on is a snail & a hermit fighting over a piece of prawn meat. My hermit so gentle, never pinch the snail. Only play tug of war. After this, another snail joined the fray & they royal rumbled for a little while. Quite fun to watch.
  15. Shifted the yellow a little. Now all 3 are neighbours.
  16. ICIC Wa, like a lot of tanks leh. 1 main, 1 QT & now 1 frag tank. Must be my face lah .... He frown when he see me leh. Must go for ###### to get those pimples cleared..... Ha ....
  17. I can visualise the effect you wanna make but no point lah. After the cycling process is over & U empty your wallet for corals etc. U will have to rescape. Thats what i learnt. So just roughly arrange 1st loh. Anyway, IMO i think U have too many small pieces of LRs. They dun look too nice now but will be useful later to plug in gaps & for delicate arrangements !!! Sit back & if hands itchy, sketch & plan your tank loh. 1 more thing .... How come got 1 rock of mushies inside while cycling !? I know they're hardy but dun need to prove to us this way leh.
  18. Its all about quality. Check out some of the sponsors products. Wide price range. I just started using less than a yr for mine so cannot compare w/ other brands.
  19. Hyper or hypo treatment ah .... Dun think it will kill coraline. Bacteria i not sure. I can tell U the worms will not give up easily. Flip the LR as you work on it & pluck them out. (wear gloves in case loh) I think it will work for the crabs & shrimps. All the best !!!
  20. Can bubble tahan 28+ temp !? I tried hammer b4 & melted in 2 days. Dunno isit temp or other factors. All help appreciated.
  21. Bro arcanehacker, Please teach me how 2 save.
  22. Frag tank !? Um, so you intent convert your QT to frag tank or set another tank !? Yup, better not make her angry.... Hows your kid !? Still shy !?
  23. Bro colinsoon, Jia lat lah, everybody showing theirs nice collection.... U squeezing urs balls yet !? Upz for ur ongoing search !
  24. U want jervismun to wait a mth !? I betcha he can't wait a mth. He so excited & see the speed of his nano cube .... How to wait 1 mth !? But .... What jonathen81 say also good advice lah. Maybe U should leave town for a few wks. Go holiday !? Cheers bro ! Update us after the scaping ah. (its gonna be another back breaking session)
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