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Everything posted by Maxstar81

  1. This is program that came with the webcam....
  2. Dun understand what U mean by public or private....
  3. Wats the prob. 1) Did U have the pop up window? 2) Did the pop up window load? I have been trying for damn long b4 getting it to work. I got this so i can see my tank when i in office.... Ha.... Note : Explorer -> Tools -> Internet options->Sercurity->Custom level Enable all those with active x. Enable pop up. May need to turn off firewall or antivirus for a short while if all else fails. Try again.
  4. My tank is LIVE ONLINE !!! Today IP is Note : Enable pop up & allow active x in your explorer otherwise cannot see the live streaming !!! I will see your ip if U are viewing Cheers mate !!! Do leave comments if U are free !!!
  5. Wah, fast ! Other time lah. Cheers !
  6. IC, cool to see individual char. My maroon also got lots of char. Funny little fella. Anyway, just collected a super sun today. the fingers very stubby.... Not like yours so long. Is it ok/ normal !? Visit U after our exams. Cheers !!!
  7. Chill folks. Everythings fine. I apologise if I came on too strongly. Bro borinz, no hard feelings i hope.
  8. Bully !? Who ??? Let me guess.... Flame !? Wa, got black super sun !? Heh heh cool.
  9. Sorry lah bro, I was typing when U posted the time. Only got 1 screen so didn't see your reply.
  10. I work till 5+. Can I collect after work !?
  11. U expect me to go your place now !? Must at least give me time & place of collection right !? I don't want to reserve, I want to buy .... So can please msg me time & place !?
  12. I want. Msg me @ 97967169. Thanks!
  13. Qxnviolet.... Thanks for the intro ah. jacobus, Hi. B4 U gonna put anything into your tank, i suggest the following: 1) Read/ check what it is. U dun need a fish eating fish in your tank do U !? I kana b4 liao.... 2) Are U sure U want it in your tank !? U will have prob taking it out later. Cause most of the stuff I caught are brown, silver or near black. The only colour was a blue hermit & a small green puffer. I usually drip aclimatise my fish from LFS but for those from sea.... I just dump them in lah. They will be the last to die cuz all are commandos. Look at the state of our water can tell lah hoh. But.... just in case or if U are very loving to nature.... Do the normal routine as U would do for fish from LFS loh. All the best & give me a black cap if U manage to net 1. Check out page 1 & 2 of my main tank for more beach stuff.
  14. Which is the 1 from Harlequin ? The black or green. Never see it open fully b4 so dun know which.... Nice woh Ur tank !!! Cheers for the CRG !!!
  15. S$20/- a day for food !? Too much lah.... Ang pan 6 pcs - S$1.50 (eat 3 days) coffee shop lunch - yong tau hoo S$2.50 food court dinner eco. rice - S$3.00 Dun waste $ on drinks. Bring ur own.... More healthy also. See, 1 day S$6 nia. U give him S$20/- then remaining he use to buy coral how !? Sorry bro, a bit TC liao. Ok, will not divert from your nice nice tank !!!
  16. U remind me of the time i was so broke I went to food court & ordered - "Uncle! Chicken rice.... the rice only, dun wan chicken." My friend see me cannot tahan, went back & bought - "Uncle, 1 packet of chicken meat, no need rice hoh." The uncle almost peng ..... But that time the hobby was collecting comics & some limited edition stuff from HK & not reef related. Work hard & endure !!! See lyz77 is another tried & tested case. Hm, quite tempted. Ps: Transfer chiller !? From nano to 3ft tank !? What is your capacity!?
  17. I also want to know where! Bro colinsoon, why U think its a challenge leh!? w3ish3ng, Unnecssary comment leh. Dun try to make sparks leh. We just wanna know where to get good corals. Who wouldn't like to get what bro colinsoon did. I'm still waiting for mine to open. (Sigh .... Maybe I no luck with sun....) Monki, Maybe it didn't get stuck & die. Maybe die liao then current draw it there loh. Anyway, maybe let the tank mature a bit more b4 stocking loh. Mine tank water still not very good yet. Lost a few LS liao.... Peace all round
  18. Why so fast? So fast .... Sob sob Mine haven't leh .... Argh !!!
  19. U have to get it out 1st b4 U can seal up the cave. Let it be loh. Ha , mine is a no pressure nano. As long as they happy where they are can liao. (will see what i can do if it decides to come out) No lah, I dun play God.... God play me only....
  20. Confirm !? Just dump in & let it release slowly !? Can PM me the price for a bucket !? Thanks! Wa lao a ..... U eating grass this month ah !? All the $$$ going to the tank.... All the best !!!
  21. Its turning brown. Ha ha. I'm just glad its not dead. A tiny step at a time. Slow & easy. No stress. (close eyes, deep breathe & think happy thoughts)
  22. Flowers. Nice. My mums agrees with this coral. The green center just makes them so cheerful dun you think !?
  23. Yellow polyp cannot make it. Sea fan melted like ice cream. Monkey shrimp, bumble bee and even cleaner also cannot make it. Die die die = waste $ $ $.... Honey chromis was fighting so i let them into the main tank. Bigger space they happy liao. Stopped fighting immediately. Ok, here is picture b4 another round of $$$ spending.
  24. Very nice tube anemones. Wao, huge clams. Its a little dark so i can't see inside the sump. Watcha got inside !?
  25. Elune, The green clown with red cheek stripes can turn blue. Usually green but when shock or surprise it turns blue. I tot my eyes play tricks but it really did change colour. I have 2 but short lived due to competition with other faster eaters.
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