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Everything posted by Power

  1. My experience is soaking the rock in fresh water kills it almost instantly. Never try using red light to locate them before but they do stay on the same rock most of the time. Guess should be doing some worm HUNTING tonight.
  2. 1. Selling a Aquabee pump flow rate 7000l/h (2 weeks old)- $350/= reason for selling, flow rate too high for my tank. 2. Teco 240, 10 mths old - $600 need to upgrade to a bigger chiller
  3. Looks like a bristle worm , don't think its harmful but smells once out of the water and dead.
  4. 1) Deltec AP600 with pump: $555 Almost 30% off regular price!
  5. How old is the set? Does price include the rack that is hold the MH?
  6. I mean in terms of watts? Need some High power unit as I am getting a tank of 2.5ft height. Is it a 250Watts unit?
  7. Bro, you may want to try sg bro heard they are good at these stuff. I am going to engage them too. www.sgbros.com
  8. Metal Halide (MH) lamps are usually available in 150W, 250W and 400W although less popular configuration such as 175W is also available. If your tank is 2 feet in height or more in height and intend to keep SPS, you need 250W or 400W in order for the light to penetrate all the way to the sandbed. 150W lights may only allow you to keep SPS to about 1 foot depth. Bulbs also comes in 2 types of end fixing, Double Ended (DE) which mean fixed at both end and Single Ended (SE). Generally DE fires brighter than SE bulbs but they have no UV protective coat and therefore required a glass pannel to eliminate the UV. There are also 2 types of ballast, magnetic and electronic ballasts. The magnetic ballast tend to drive the bulbs harder thus a brighter bulb but will appear more yellow. T5 comes in the following configurations, 2ft (24W), 3ft (39W), 4ft(54W) and 5ft(80W). Assuming a tank height of 2 feet, you may require at least 4ft(54W) tol allow you to keep SPS at the bottom of the tank. There are other flourescent tubes include the Very High Output (VHO) tubes. These are tubes that has a higher output per tube as compared to the T5. Lighting is one of the most important pieces of equipment in a reef aquarium. The proper lighting intensity is required for your corals or invertebrates to survive. Similar to plants, corals and many invertebrates require light for photosynthesis to generate energy. If your corals and invertebrates do not received enough light for photosynthesis, they will not survive. I hope these help.
  9. Nice piece of equipment. For those who need some spec/information on piece of lighting you can follow the link below. http://www.aqualight.de/shop/showcat.php?id=37〈=2
  10. What a good deal. Too bad my tank condition not good ennough.
  11. I got no problem with the red slime remover. Overnight the cyano dies off by the 24 hrs no sight of living cyano. But you may need to scrap the dead "body" off the glass surface as well as the LR. As bro Terryz_ mentioned you need to off your skimmer in order for the powder to be effective. Only used it once and had never experiece any relapse
  12. What a huge clam colony you have there! How are they doing now?
  13. Hehe... major update tomorrow... I promise
  14. My 7 yrs old son love to watch his show! I even brought him to the Australia Zoo twice. Very Sad to see such things happened... he will be dearly missed.
  15. Bro Jervismun is ATI Bubble Master in-sump or external skimmer? Lokk very impressive Is there a local Red Dragon dealer?
  16. What type and watts is the return pump?
  17. Very impressive Pls continue to update us
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