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Everything posted by Power

  1. Sold and collected by a nice gentleman. Thanks for all your interest.
  2. New picture showing the smaller mushie and the origin of the red mushie
  3. Mange to count a bit, at least got 40 polys
  4. manage to use a better camera to take a shot with blue
  5. manage to borrow a better camera for a close up shot
  6. acan sold ot a gentleman and collected by a lady. thanks for the interest.
  7. Couldn't get a good shot with my current camera underblue light althought it is glowing . However the red colour is the same as the this red prata I used to owned. Except that the current piece the centre is also red and not the dotted green then red around the mounth area. I think the best is for those who are interested to contact me and arrange to view it at bishan. If you like it take it.
  8. if you look closely it comes with a mini red mushroom on the 9 O Clock of the big mush. It will frag itself. so in one year time you will have lots of red mushies
  9. As shown in the picture. about 50 cent size
  10. Bahave and feed like acan. When i got it about a year ago It was bad injured by octos with only 10 Polys. Now it had grown into many polys and the colour was nursed back from green to orange.
  11. This acan had been growing from only 10 polys had grown to about 20 polys. Count yourself
  12. In-destructable prata with me almost two Brown prata with white center
  13. With me for almost a year. Picture shown is just feed and had expnaded to quite big. Healthy prata. Price $100
  14. Clearing space, light green monti for sale
  15. About 125.66 litre for the dimension you provided
  16. Personally will go for deltec stuff esp from reef depot as they don't compromise service. Lost two O ring during the maintenance of my skimmer and was given free O ring from reef depot.
  17. Nice sump where did you get it done? Maybe its time to change sump for me as the silicone seal is peeling.
  18. Three days no update... very unusual gone missing
  19. Looks like a candy... I mean Candy Cane Coral
  20. Spotted at least six plastic so where is the one remaining SPS
  21. Like what angelfishlover said you need to bring up your salinity to 1.025
  22. Must had broke you back stacking up those rocks
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