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Everything posted by c0ol

  1. Haha,very easy to get sixline to be fat cos they are very greedy even for small fish
  2. UpDates, 1 Sixline warrse-$4 1 Blue-eye anthias-$6 A beckette skimmer with Rio 20 pump(Height:24',Diameter:6')-$350[neg] *skimmer used for 8mths*
  3. Agree with bro Jervis,anemone doent stop moving..it maybe stop at a spot for a week or 2,or maybe longer but in the end it will still moves to another spot,unless its a carpet anemone
  4. Haha,i was just trying to give u ideas,lol so now u going to fill ur sandbed with them?
  5. Haha bro,i was talking to u about more Rics and today theres a new addition Btw u interested in adding another Blue-eye anthnais?
  6. selling 4ft weipro MH 2x150watts with 27w blue PL- $250(neg)-SOLD* Selling off my LS as moving hse soon 1 Yellow Tang(2inch-2.5inch)$25-Reserved 1 Yellow Tang(3inch-3.5inch)$30-Reserved by Scs88 1 Yellow Tang(3.5inch -4inch)$30-Reserved by Scs88 1 sixline wassre-$4 1 blue-eye anithnas-$8 1 Pacific Sailfin Tang(3inch)-$8-reserved till tomolo 4 turbo snails-FOC-reserved till tomolo All fishes feeding on frozen brine and mysis shrimps Pls PM or sms to 97457542,collection place at Eunos Cheers =)
  7. Collection time n date can be arranged cheers
  8. selling 4ft weipro MH 2x150watts with 27w blue PL- $250(neg)-Reserved MH pic Selling off my LS as moving hse soon 1 Yellow Tang(2inch-2.5inch)$25 1 Yellow Tang(3inch-3.5inch)$30-Reserved by Scs88 1 Yellow Tang(3.5inch -4inch)$30-Reserved by Scs88 1 sixline wassre-$4 1 blue-eye anithnas-$8 1 Pacific Sailfin Tang(3inch)-$8 4 turbo snails-FOC All fishes feeding on frozen brine and mysis shrimps Pls PM or sms to 97457542,collection place at Eunos Cheers =)
  9. selling 4ft weipro MH 2x150watts with 27w blue PL- $250(neg) MH pic Selling off my LS as moving hse soon 1 Yellow Tang(2inch-2.5inch)$25 1 Yellow Tang(3inch-3.5inch)$30 1 Yellow Tang(3.5inch -4inch)$30 1 sixline wassre-$4 1 blue-eye anithnas-$8 1 Pacific Sailfin Tang(3inch)-$8 4 turbo snails-FOC All fishes feeding on frozen brine and mysis shrimps Pls PM or sms to 97457542,collection place at Eunos Cheers =)
  10. Nice FTS bro,haha see that its quite packed with corals already See that ur sandbed still has some space,how about filling it up with florida rics
  11. haha yeah,i used to have a fierce clownfish,whenever i put my hand into the tank,she will come and give my hand a bite
  12. Bro maybe u wanna catch her out?
  13. bro how about some more pics on the warty
  14. haha bro,i think ur orange plate wants food
  15. You can also reduce ur feeding or do more water changes
  16. haha,bro jervismun count me in,i will be the cashier Btw,i think metal clips will be a better choice than silicon so as it will be easy to change the pipes or etc...just my 2 cents
  17. bro u may want to fasten the inlet and outlet of ur FR with thoose metals clips just to play safe great work on the lights,now its time for a hood
  18. Bro colin, its diatom It will take awhile for the rowaphos or any phos media u using to take effect
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