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  1. Looking to trade my brand new Seio M1100 Wave Pump for nice exotic colored Rics. Only PM me with offers please. Collection Date: Sunday. Time:3pm.
  2. UPZ! How much is your reserve price? Does it come with pump? If so what pump were you using to power it?
  3. Thanks guys for all of your feedbacks. Aprreciate them all. Cheers.
  4. Bro thanks for the offer but i am looking for one without any problems. Thanks anyhow.
  5. Nobody has an unwanted FR to let go off with media? Haha impossible, LOL.
  6. Need to ask are angels either dwarf or the big ones safe for a reef tank? HELP!
  7. Are lions ok to be added to a reef??? Thanks.
  8. Looking for FR with media. Let me know by PM pls. MadZ
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