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Everything posted by angelfish

  1. suggest to dip new coral with lugol's solution mixed before placing it into your tank
  2. hello dear reefers, just wanted to find out is it normal to buffer them both(almost daily) with good sps grow and a functional CaCO3 reactor running?
  3. do they really change ###### to reduce aggresssion? here's mine and it's the only angelfish in my rt. the rest of them are mostly anthias and smaller fishes at that time.
  4. actually any hard enough plastic card or aquarium scraper will do the job.
  5. simple MH not difficult to repair mah. unless you're talking about those with daylight stimulation
  6. hi there reefworld, AA from Kent Marine is Coral.Accel
  7. you can try call up Bio Ocean, maybe they can help
  8. no worry about that, i hand feed the lionfish everyday. sometimes it just thought my finger is food. got bitten so many times liao, no pain lah
  9. it's real fun keeping them unfortunately i'm planning to give them up soon, no time to take care
  10. Just to share the fun of feeding them video taken by DC, not very sharp
  11. Mg seems ok BTW iron based PO4 remover will also deplete KH
  12. lelong! lelong! need to clear by this week all for $20
  13. if you want it to be economical: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=47344
  14. not that fast. mine grow from about 1.5 to 4"+ in 4 yrs
  15. not very sure about the weight, estimated about 30kg
  16. collection at bukit panjang pic a bit blur because taken by mobile
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