Need some advice. I have a 2" x 1" x 1" feet tank, i have 6 fishes and some feather worms in it, currently, i have a atman 105 pump with weipro skimmer 2012.
I believe the pump is too powerly for my small tank, initially creating lot of noise, finally resolve it by cutting a hole on the hose between the pump and skimmer, that resolve the problem and also act as an waver for my tank.
Infuture, i forseen to keep some simple corals, definitely not getting a chiller for my small tank. So.. i use fan, and heard it evaporate the water fast.
How do i conduct ph test for my tank to make sure that it stay between 8.3 -8.4 when i top more water to my tank. Currently... now when i top some water, i will leave it overnight with puffer in it. Should i add puffer on the tank after adding water or with a bail of water (add puffer in it) ?
Any help and advice.