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Everything posted by lead28

  1. JBJ 24g Cabinet - Price reduce to $45
  2. A better picture of the tank cabinet.
  3. I have closed down the tank, the cabinet can be collected anytime, this cabinet is designed for 24g JBJ nano or Boyu 24g tank. Cabinet has been well maintained. - Going for $50. Sms me at 97768681 for fast deal.
  4. To all who support my sale, finally tank has closed down. Left over items :- Cabinet and some misc items for sale. Purigen/ Rowaphos - 1/4 full for both - $5 Marine Buffer - 99% full - $6 Deep Six Hydrometer - $6 Seachem Entice - more than 50% full - $4 Interested party can PM me.
  5. Favia Coral - Sold Blown Tang - Sold Spenldid Dottyback - Sold Bandai Cardinal - Sold Left over items - Cateye Bubble - Reduce to $12 Button - $5 Leather - $5 Brown Plate - $7 take all for $25 if reefer can collect this evening.
  6. brown plate with orange month still available.
  7. Selling MISC items :- Purigen/ Rowaphos - 1/4 full for both - $5 Marine Buffer - 99% full - $6 Small and Medium pellets - $5 each, two bottles for $8 Deep Six Hydrometer - $6 Seachem Entice - more than 50% full - $4
  8. another toy for sales due to buyer change his mind. I think is a 360 degree turn wave maker drive by pump. Good for water circulation. Going for $10
  9. currently left over items are :- Cabinet - $50 Corals Bubble - $15 Favia - $17 Leather - revise price $5 Button - $5 Fishes, Awaiting for collection tomorrow, if kana aeroplane than will put on sale again Brown Tang - $5 Spenldid Dottyback - $10 Cardinal Bandai - - $5 Tank, Chiller and Maxijet pump have been reserved.
  10. tank already reserved with deposit. Cabinet is still out for sale... have interested reefer but yet to confirm. Reduce my price for the following corals. Favia - reduce to $17 Bubble - reduce to $15
  11. Chiller CL280 also letting go at $50. Note that Thermostat not working and the off/on button lose, sometimes.. need to press at certain angle to on it.. but i think it can be easily repair. For Low budget reefer.. perhaps can consider.
  12. medium size sinking pellets ard 90% full - $5 small size sinking pellets ard 90% full - $5 Take both for $8
  13. For thoese who enquire about the cabinet
  14. Get it from nick - underwater, he is selling his tank at very cheap price and i have seen the conditon of the tank, well maintained, is a 5ft tank with cabinet and sump.
  15. Hawfish - reserved for haroldteo BT - reserved for southpaw23 Trumpet - reserved for kyris Luminous Green Prata - reserved for kyris luminous green moon - reserved for kyris
  16. note that i have too many pm and still lot of uncertainty on buyer, some has requested for bulk purchase for all items but yet to confirm. Let make it simple. For those who interested on any of the items, just pm me to reserve again. Once i have your confirmation. I will list down on my thread.
  17. for those who enquire about the tank, is already reserved for Mr Tay. Available is a 24g cabinet. Going for $50.
  18. thanks bro jem for identify the coral
  19. Splendid Dottyback - $10 couldn't get a clear pic of it cos it jump inside my IOS. Interested party can refer to this link http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...?pcatid=178&N=3
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