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Everything posted by asg

  1. 5.2w is total wattage? Then it is too low for corals... For sponge, do you feed it...
  2. [emoji41] if you dont mind Q-ing, the electronic fair at expo has some good deals on great point and shoot/ entry level DSLR.
  3. I dont understand why maxspect does not has night mode for gyre loh...
  4. If fish could talk... (inspired by a nice bro here who started the talking photos in his nice tank thread, I am just keeping the ball rolling so to speak. All bros and siss welcomed to contribute. Fun is the operating word here )
  5. asg


    Compare to 10 years back when i first started reefing, i think technology and research has make reefing comparatively easy now...
  6. asg


    Fish poo can result in high nitrate too. So did your gut tells you your PO4 is how many ppm now... [emoji23] Joke aside, if you want to confirm your gut, i can lead your my salifert no3 and po4 test kit lah.
  7. The uncle was so proud of it, he even paste a newspaper article abt the lobster in his shop loh.
  8. Accordingly to the old uncle, the lobster body was bitten off part by other fish. But luckily lobster body does not holds any organs so can still eat sleep and play. Sort of.
  9. Yup. The lobster can still eat, move and suvive for years liao (at that point of time, around 2004- 6)
  10. Bad guy. If i am not wrong will eat coral
  11. One last thing, most canister is designed such that water flow thro every inch of space inside, which means all your sand will be oxygened thus there wont be any anaerobic bateria... Just my two cents of worth.
  12. Bro you have to count the electricity bill for the caninster too. Anyway if we are talking about bateria surface area, no way sand can compare to biohomme which is also a setup and forget thing. Furthermore, without any prefilter, you sand surface will be covered with debris.
  13. I guess using the same space to hold bio media or AC/ GRO, you will get more benefit out of it. The reason we use caninster is that we want an enclosed space with high flow for whatever filteration we want to lah. If your goal is to generate enough copepod for your tank, just fill FR with bio-sphere, i have quite a large population of copepod in my two FR.
  14. Bro, putting sand inside canister is dangerous ah, if for whatever reason the sand got suck thro the motor...
  15. 04/11/14 - Continuel expanding my zoas collections FTS@04/11/14 Haha, managed to find two very striking colours of fiji zoas colonies, one yellow and one green, to fill the gaps of my existing corals. Not a particular zoas lover myself but the colour of these two zoas are too hard to give them a pass... Also have been trying hard to ID them but to no avail, the closest description that I got is radio active zoas. Anyway who cares so long as they can keep their bright colours I am more than happy liao. One goes up to the top One goes to the middle One camping here first and here also Side by Side Frag here (see how fast it will grow in my two weeks trip) and here teaming them up with my existing zoas frag Cheers, and may the zoas be with you.
  16. Just my two cents worth. First, peg the new hdb price to the cost and not to market value. Secondly impose capital gain tax. Lastly dont lelong PR and citizenship like dirt.
  17. Remember the 6.9 thingy? Garment wont change his mind else is akin to admiting they got it wrong lah... just wait for 2016...
  18. My ehiem canister is 1000l/hr plus rw4 three bar which is around 1500l/hr for my 2*1*1. Fishes all ok with the wave. Did you try w1 and dial to slow for your rw4? I guess since you do not have much rocks to break the wave, you might want to start slow?
  19. Sorry for the loss bro. If you fish is always swimming against the current and cannot swim freely to every part of the tank...
  20. From the skeleton, it is a plate. Put it in low light low flow area and observe few days.
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