i have kept a PBT before but it kind of become agressive after some time in my tank...
the reason that i keep blue tang is that it can co-live in pairs or more in captive environment (at least for my tank size), the same cant be say for PBT... nothing to do with ehich is easy which is not...
and guess what is the blue-est living creature in the world? you have it, blue tang it is...
and for the source of cheaper blue tang, maybe you can post it here, or if you dont mind, interested buyer can PM you for more info. it is good to help bring the price down for blue tang
from what i heard from reefers, it is not the initial purchase price that matters most, it is whether the fish live or not...
first blue tang -> gone, second blue tang -> gone, third.... how many tries can a reefer have? it is just simple math here...