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Everything posted by asg

  1. water can only get into certain depth of LR and the surface areas are limited, whereas for bio media, the surface area are lot larger and since the size is smallar, the water contact points are larger. You can google bio homne for more infor on its surface areas, if i am not wrong, a small qty of it has an equal surface area of a basketball court for bacteria.
  2. Yup, LR will have bacteria in it. But in term of bacteria counts it wont be as many as those commercially available bio media such as bio homme
  3. Yo bro. So far in the past few months, i only saw one shipment from pinacle that have it. Ah bang ng couples iwarna GO AC all dont have. Will give you a poke if i saw one again.
  4. [emoji24] the problem with keeping sun corals is that i got to wake up once a week at 4am to feed them... speak about early coral catches the worms...
  5. Thanks bro, i got a picture match liao. It id meteor shower indeed.
  6. I google for thr picts of both, do not look similar, the polpys too long to match
  7. At first i thot it is some form of encrusting SPS, now look like not
  8. Bro, i thot gonio normally has skeleton but this coral is just a skin layer on the rock ah.
  9. What about flow? Zoas prefer low to medium flow
  10. Haha, no problem. If i were you i will try my parents that corals are sold by kilograms... one kg $5 [emoji41]
  11. 19 Dec 2014 – My favorite corals and their $ As usual, FTV @19/12/14 to kick start this week update Just for knowledge sharing and to answer those bros who asked me the price of my corals while visiting me at home. It was kind of tough for me to tell the true price when my CFO was around, reason being most of these corals were recorded in the book as $1 - $2 (green/ brown $1, other colour $2) when I declared their buying price. Most of the time when I saw a coral (or fish) in LFS which I am interested in, I will first come up with the price it is worth to me in my head before asking the price from the LFS. So this is how the buying process for me looks like: Me (thinking): Wah, nice colour and I don’t have this colour/ type at home. Me (thinking): Hmm… given the colour, type and size, this shall be selling at $X (self pricing). Me: boss boss, how much is this? (point to the coral) Boss: $Y because this is from mars/ rare/ healthy/ etc Me: Wah, boss, today weather very hot hor, the sun so big, blar blar blar Boss: Ok… how much you want? OK, granted sometimes I got my way, sometimes I don’t. But hey, it might be surprising to you but most of the LFS owners are happy to bargain/ talk/ negotiate with you, simply because they got sick talking to fish/ coral whole day too and are happy to talk to a human-like creature. So below is the purchased price for my top favorite corals: 1) Aussie Sun, $60, Iwarna (My number one loved coral in my tank, reason being very simple. Sunflower in the sea, I can't resist that at all) 2) Pink Gonio, $40, Pinnacle (My number two love. Love the sea of pink and its cute short polyps) 3) Golden torch, $80 per head, GO (Third on the list. Expecting it to turn into gold bar one of these days to recoup all my reefing $) 4) True Octopus, 5) Golden Hammer, 6) Green Gonio, $30 each, GO. (In my good book because they open big big and sway sway sway) 7) Clown pairs hammer, from fellow reefer. (Love these hammer because they look like clown fish, swim like clown fish and eat like clown fish) haha, enough of the lame jokes. one week has passed, I am just relieved that my SPS are still retaining their colour and not yet bleached or RTN. Three more frags to collect from a bro tomorrow and I shall stop my SPS collection liao. Gonna let all the SPS settled down well and turn brown. Happy reefing my friends and may the god of reef always be with you.
  12. Urgh... i mean those normal white wool, one big bag $3 type.
  13. Bro, good that the water parameters is on track. One advice, remove the plastic tray at the bottom of your rocks, it will trap lots of debris and impossible to shipon.
  14. [emoji27] lets just say that the chance of keeping the hardest to keep SPS alive is higher than keeping dyed anemone alive. One thing to look out for, some anemone will inject its intestine out when dying, polluting the whole tank and bringing every LS down with it. So please monitor it closely ah.
  15. Why not just use normal filter floss instead of filter socks...
  16. Can ask. But experience reefer knows the answer even before asking whether fish feeding or not liao... ah beng no, ng couple no, iwarna mostly no, TFC mostly yes... Other bros welcome to add in...
  17. Anemone... might be a dyed (injected with yellow colour dye) one...
  18. Bro, give the bio pallets a month, the cynao should disappear by then. Dosing bacteria helps too. [emoji106]
  19. If they are smaller by an inch, i will got them liao [emoji24] i think i only have like 6cm of fish load left...
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