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asg last won the day on May 19 2015

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  1. +1 bro, you just visualize this.... remove all coral, remove all fish, remove all current rocks, remove all sands, drain all the water, carry your current tank, move your new tank, fill in with water, wash your sands, ................ all for 15cm of extra space...
  2. I would choose the 322... else u spend so much but tank space only 15cm more than ur currently tank ah.
  3. Sorry bro, i dont understand. Are you saying that patricklhc and TS are the same person?
  4. Cos reefers will need to make some logical decisions... and doctor can help to assess whether a person is capable of making some logical decisions... If u know a reefer who has his white light turn on 24/7 becos he thinks the coral is happier under white light, wont you advise him to read up on coral or seek medical helps...
  5. Then the newbies either have to read up books on feeding or start seeing a doctor...
  6. Bro if u feed ur fish every min... u shall either read more books on feeding or start seeing a doctor...
  7. If u keep one fish and one hermit crab and one coral in a ten feet tank, how would the bio load be high and how would the water be of high nutrient? Bro, your comments make me start to believe that ah meng is a close relative of human... at least in your case loh...
  8. Bro... if your bio load is ultra low, your tank will be ultra low nutrients too... or just choose one of the established method you are comfortable to use then jump in lah. For e.g. i cant use zeovit cos i need to travel overseas quite frequently
  9. First two years are critical for reefers, if they experienced prolong stretch of mati-ing, most likely they will say bye bye. P/s: flame angel $40, blue tang $18, blue eyes anthais $12, copperband $5... not that expensive if reefer buy within their budget and dont buy rare fish loh.
  10. Due to change of plan. Selling brand new in box 2 stages DI water filter with media. Refillable resin media cartridge in both stages. *FOC One new TDS meter (Worth $25) FYI a brand new 2 stages DI is about $168 retail price and one stage is about $75 and non refillable for some brand. Letting go at $90. Collection at punggol. PM me for more information please.
  11. In theory live food best. Not live shrimp but chopped fish meat prawn etc. Follow by frozen and last dried food. I feed all so cant really tell the diff
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