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Everything posted by Darryl85

  1. FCFS basic... ppl who say collect in the morning but never appear pls go away...
  2. bukit batok st 25 ave3
  3. collection place at bukit batok east.......
  4. Royal Dottyback . any1 pls kindly take it home, if not i give back to the store........ very poor thing ganna cage up......
  5. cant hav other fishes becoz of it..... any1? quote me a price will do....... i paid $6 for it n never expect it to b more..... 5 or 4 or 3 ???
  6. thanks bro k0na_scab, can roughly give me an idea all these u mention will cost... each of them...... n where u normally get these stuff? (waterproof endcap)
  7. hi guy... looking forward for helps n advises to make my very own 2ft T5 light, which can be use for both NO tubes n HO tubes... my tank is abt 1.5 ft high... questions... wat to buy? reflector? 2 tubes or 4 tubes better? where to buy them?(wit cheaper price) will using a T5 increase my tank temperature by alot?(not using chiller) advises needed.....
  8. all small pieces... abt 4 to 5kg a small frag of xenia ?
  9. hope can find 1 withdi my buget... think not long ago bro colisson is selling one.....( think i spell ur nick wrongly)
  10. hi bro...... since u wan to share ur tank's pic or wat....... y not post it in the Members Tank & Specs section........ much better also......
  11. ok bro....... thanks for the response...... thank you !
  12. another pic......cant upload my video (3gp format)
  13. hi guys n sis, is my coco worm spawning or dieing? wants to share the following video wit all reefer....... want to knw abt it more.....
  14. hi bros......... can advice me on which r the important test kits to buy first for beginner for me..... my aim is for more coraline aglae to grow... advices pls.......
  15. once a week will b good enough........ harm it if overfeed........
  16. Ai yo yo... so glad i m still here n not in the hospaital or wat........ coz ganna lots of time already, the feeling as though i ganna fibre glass lik tat...... lucky me.......
  17. Don scare ppl la.... hehe.... wit a bigger tank n bigger fishes around i think it will knw its own limit ba.......
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