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Everything posted by AREA51

  1. the feather-looking one is a tubeworm, no harm at all the other tube-anemone looking one is aiptisia! pests! get rid get rid
  2. i use seachem's at $10+
  3. you can try Reborn for LRs. They are selling small pieces for $3/kg
  4. from what i know, they need high water flow and lightings. So, placing on the sand may not be a good idea. I've got one too, but a small frag only, bought at Jireh
  5. you mean you're having difficult placing them on the sand?
  6. no problem but only one thing: you will have trouble cleaning the glass
  7. bro ettin, don't think it needs a mature tank. mine's doing very well in my 2mth tank bro seanewbie, i bought it on monday at aquastar yishun, saw two, bought one. maybe you can check it out
  8. maybe its a blue-sohal-tang crossbreed just joking
  9. fierce blue tang btw, aren't blue tangs supposed to be a more peaceful species??
  10. you mean the activision key? i can send you the thingy so you can generate again
  11. oh no!! not again those terrorists have nothing better to do
  12. hopefully its not ich. all the best
  13. omg! i thought red knobs eat fishes? not too sure but read it on liveaquaria, maybe you want to keep a lookout on your small fishes
  14. why do you put them in a container? why not in your main tank? lemme guess, quarantine tank?
  15. i've got one purple anemone bought at aquastar and within a few days my skimmate is purple! damn angry and disappointed but after a few days skimmate returned to normal kopi-o color byt miraculously the anemone is still purple. no signs of dyed. just my 2cents. wonder this could help
  16. if its macroalgae you guys are talking about, i also think that you should just pull the white ones, as these are probably dead.
  17. reborn has some, but are babies, 1-2 inches in size. KAWAII
  18. hi bro lester. what is going to happen to frogfish? downgrade of tank? just asking upzzz for you
  19. totally a nice planned tank hope to see more pics coming up
  20. Gatsby coral dye there are also Gatsby coral wax and clay to harden your long tip anemones just jokin'....please don't take this to heart
  21. sorry but erm.....what coral are you guys talking about?
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