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Everything posted by AREA51

  1. i think it is dying.
  2. bro for your information. isn't there any cure? will the bubble in its eyes be 'released' in any way?
  3. haha maybe its my cleaning crew too small wonder whether these signal gobies will take those formula 2 pellets sunk down to the sandbed
  4. maybe its stressed by the new water? give it sometime to adjust
  5. help bros! my male lyretail anthias also has an eye bulging like a goldfish's eating and behaving normally tho'. can any bros help me on curing it?
  6. wow bro! what cam are you using? looks like a pic taken from a microscope
  7. im not sure, but i think this can solve your problem. may not work though. ya i agree, rescaping can be back breaking
  8. found couple of dead hitchhiker crabs, which are scavenged by my hermits and YT. my other LS are fine, what are the possible reasons for this phenomenon?
  9. heard from last week that shipment will arrive at iwarna and the lfs beside ahbeng's this friday. anyone going? i can only go on sat can post wad stock arrived?(on fri)
  10. bro dleecool, i too think that your circulation is not good, therefore the detritus end up 'stagnant' on your LRs. I suggest that you study your tank and see how your return pipe and wavemaker flow. Your corals doesn't look right , doesn't seem open. probably due to poor water circulation too. maybe you can describe or post your tank picture so we can like correct it just my 2 cents
  11. bro, srry for the late reply. its at Blk 934, just next to the NTUC Income how to go, im not sure how to describe. but if you are keen to go there, i can take you there. But seriously, theres no corals, only some zoos and mushies, and their fish quality are
  12. very reefsafe pecks on LRs only, leaves corals alone agressiveness, mine only chase after my doctor wrasses occasionally. my 2 'mao'
  13. Willy Wonka : "You're Really Wierd!" like the part when the puppets are dancing and after that the show end after the fireworks burn'em all
  14. sure thing bro, juz feel free to hire me when you need any help
  15. cant find the trailer can someone post the exact link?
  16. huh? im just trying to be friendly
  17. bro rockfish, need wkend part timers do feel free to get me accept students?
  18. No offense to techno/dance lovers i simply cant stand these music. when talking about techno/dance, i would just automatically think of ah bengs and pubs some(not all) are actually modified songs of originals(which i dont like, nowdays alot of copied songs in music industry )
  19. hi. Caught my PTB nibbling on my red gorgonians they are soft corals aren't they?!?
  20. is that froggy for real?? it looks like it just rolled over a bed of glitters anyway the idea of black is cool, especially if the background is black too
  21. is winning eleven out for PSP?
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