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Everything posted by AREA51

  1. my speakers on high volume %#$%
  2. bro nice fishes im also thinking of getting sch of chromises btw...is CL650 sufficient for a 4footer? if it is then i'll sub it with my fan
  3. i have one too. It stays put every since i introduced it to my purple crapet. I did not feed it, but i put invert food, maybe it works for it too. It probably catches small food particles with its feelers too
  4. Hi bro RAV-65, srry about your name. this time i copy and paste liao thx for the keep-up-the-good-work will post more pictures later in the afternoon, especially my Sailfin tang, whenever i have a DC on hand, it hides behind my LRs Even when i drop pellets it didn't come out
  5. Hi bro Zac, take your time on the cleaner shrimp pictures of full tank will have to be tonight, as my tank's situated in my balcony, theres a reflection of my window grills covering up half of tank
  6. hi Kurt Cobain, Yea i've taken note of my lightings, will get another pair of T5s 1.5 cents taken
  7. hi bro neokn and Rav-69, its not MIA la the question marks in my stocklists are that those LS are not identified male or female yet btw...my LRs are scaped not so squeezed so i can see every LS in my tank cheers!
  8. hi bro ckkoon, i'll will soon as i come home from lessons tonight. My tank's on the balcony and i can't take a full shot cuz of the sunlight
  9. Last picture for this afternoon, have to go school. More pictures at night Normal Prata, the way it opens is strange, looks like mooncake
  10. Red Linckia posing as a ballerina?
  11. Musrooms altho' not as colorful as other bros
  12. Chocolate Chip SeaStar & Yellow Anemone
  13. First thing's first, my apologies for the poor quality of pictures i'll be posting due to a weak Samsung 3.2 megapix DC + my poor photography skills Will repost pictures once i've getten hold of a better DC. To start off: 48inches by 18inches by 26inches with 0.8cm thick all round Side Sump a.k.a Side Filter : (height = 26inches, 2 compartments 9inches wide each) Dymax2000 as return pump Weipro 2013 Venturi Driven as protein skimmer Dymax T5s 1 tube white 1 tube blue 4 Packets of white transculent marble sand 土40kg of LiveRocks
  14. wow you have fine specimens of corals possible to post full tank shot?
  15. nice set of fishes your have but the coral beauties' colors are a little wierd.
  16. a supplement for your corals no worries bro, its food anyway
  17. feel sad for you bro maybe its a sign that you get another clownfish called 'top prize'
  18. don't worry bro,your clownfish is probably still acclimatising, give yourself some time and let nature takes its course. The clownfish will come to know of the anemone. but there are also some factors to take note: what anemone do you have? if its those anemone with a long body, from my experience, clowfishes doesn't like those. I don't know why either. All of them squeezed into one sebae anemone just my 2cents and good luck
  19. shoelevy for your link and advice. i will observe my lyretail more closely for the next few weeks. And my apologies that i forgot to search the forum before asking
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