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  1. Price reduced .. 1. CO2 Cylinder with Solenoid -$60 .. not sure how many litre, size is 11cm x 32cm (bottom to neck) 2. 25l Jelly Can (have 4) - $4 each 3. Food Timer - $10 (used less than 5 times, only during long holiday, battery removed immediately after) 4. Refractometer - Sold
  2. Tank, Equipment and Livestock sold ... balanced items 1. CO2 Cylinder with Solenoid -$80 .. not sure how many litre, size is 11cm x 32cm (bottom to neck) 2. 25l Jelly Can (have 4) - $5 each or $16 for all 4 and FOC the 5l (if you want) 3. Food Timer - $15 (used less than 5 times, only during long holiday, battery removed immediately after) 4. Refractometer - $20 Pick up at my condo or nearby Jurong East MRT, Jelly Can buyer please pick up at condo
  3. Preference will be for those who can take both, else whoever contacted me first. Thanks for looking
  4. Tank will be shutdown this Thursday, prefer if buyer can collect on Thursday night 1. Blueface Angel (about 5”) $150 .. [With me about 6 years] 2. Blue Tang (about 2”) $50 .. [Bought in Apr 20, about 9 months] Take both for $180 and FOC all the balanced pallet food I have Pick up at Jurong East condo, near MRT. Please bring your own bag/container for the fish
  5. Last chance $400 for the set .. If no interest, after 1 week, will start selling separate ....
  6. Thanks for the interest, received many enquires on the fishes and equipment, but at this moment, still prefer to sell as a set
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