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Everything posted by spaceman

  1. Tap water. cool with computer fan. evaporation rate very very high. each day need to re-fill at least 2 litres.... yah. agree gobies very very heng sway. i don't think i want to try again gobies because very hard to find healthy fish and also cannot tahan the stress when they went MIA again!! haha
  2. yellow gonio? is it a dyed coral?
  3. Hi thomas thanks for the update!! wah more SPS again!! very tempting to buy!! so attractive the price!!
  4. Ultralife red slime removal works for my friend's 5 feet tank!!! i think i didn;t use it correctly so not very succeesful. Anyway u need to switch off skimmer when treatment. my small overcrowded nano tank suffer very badly during the treatment. lost 2 corals which i suspect due spike in toxic
  5. my temp around 27-28degree ermm yah change about fortnightly (if remember)\ additives: kalkwasser w Top up water everyday, weekly essential minerals + PH
  6. Heard that Ericsson farm coming in Yumas this weekend! anyone know whether arrived liao? thanks!!
  7. yah tried one recently. went MIA after 1 week. confirm die liao, haha made my sandbed problem even more jialat!
  8. as above? anyone selling? Thanks!
  9. anyone seen daisy polyps? Should be quite common as they are from indo waters THanks!!
  10. yup! will be trying that those yellow waters treatment again! just curious, my cyano only attack my sandbed. i thought they grow on life rock as well??
  11. hi hammy! yah not using those limewood already upgraded! self correct, those on the sand are cyano not algae.....
  12. more Alveopora corals!! really like them!! another fav coral! clove polyps!! just got them from another reefer! still opening up!
  13. Prata and hammer and alveopora given by a very good friend!!! glad they are doing well in my tank!!
  14. whao! it has been almost a year liao since i last posted my nanotank! After 1 catastrophic failed anemone attempt (which crashed my tank...) here's the current state of my nanotank. mainly a tank full of alveopora and a lot of green algae on my sandbed..... (gave up fighting liao) oh yah got a JEBO hang on skimmer as well! no more airstone skimmer
  15. 2 inch french at ericson farm. bottom tank very hard to spot
  16. Hi! I am interested in the Scooter Blenny!! Possible to sell separatedly? Thanks!
  17. well it is still being setup so not surprised not to see any soul.. surprising i didn't see the parrot either when i was there! haha
  18. confirm there! look out for the empty tanks! bought a royal gamma already!
  19. I am only interested in the Star polyps! can post a pic? willing to pay for it! thanks!
  20. Can reserve the star polyps for me?? thanks! can contact me at 97481773. able to collect tonite!
  21. fish reserved! will post again if avaliable again! thanks!
  22. Very healthy feeding fish to give away. Too big for my 2 feet.... self collect at Potong Pasir tomorrow . Will be at home from morning to 4pm Please contact me at 97481773. no PM pls. FCFS. Thanks!
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