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Everything posted by spaceman

  1. WTS majestic angel. bought from anther reefer earlier this year. very stable fish, eating vege, mysis etc! selling cause want to downgrade my tank. Selling at $45, self collect at Potong Pasir at night or weekend. (please note havent caught yet)
  2. Just got some Caribbean's fish from Iwarna. They are really stress and exhausted. worse, not eating... My sis laugh and joked that they are all jet-lagged!!! I realised that could be a factor since they are from America!! Anyone also think so? and how to help them adjust to Singapore timing!!
  3. Hi!! want to expand my mushies collection! If you have extra mushies to sell, please do pm me with a Pic!! Many Thanks!!
  4. I think they stress then will come out those white pimple.. immune system down??
  5. Forgot to mention. looking for only Dried Cyclopeeze
  6. Want to buy above! Staying at Potong Pasir so will only prefer to collect if near my place! please PM me your offer! Thanks!!
  7. got a weird qns here. does snails eat coralline aglae? i don't think so right?
  8. quite a few species of scooter. i think that pic is a type. i think quite cheap. mandarin also cost arouud $6-8 Coralline? sign. my one tank is the other way round. earlier this year, it was growing like nobody business. all over the tank. but now all orangy and dying.... still not sure why..
  9. Hi Ian! Thanks for the advice, i think i went to you place many moons ago. remeber seeing your scooter with another sailfin tang in your very unique tank!
  10. ohh!! thanks for the update!!! btw do u know whether are they recent shipment or resident there for long long liao!? Thanks!!
  11. Anyone saw yellow belly regal angel / golden Angel? Thanks!!
  12. About Last month, I bought a very nice Flame from a LFS. it was feeding when I bought it. quite plump too! Now 3 weeks later. this guy has stopped eating. when i try to feed mysis or cycopleeze, it will eat then spit out immediately.. very heartbreaking to see that and my experience tells me this guy is a goner soon. but what is the cause? cyanide poison? if so how to choose to prevent a similar unpleasant experience? Thanks guys!
  13. Hi! I am thinking of getting a scooter Blenny. Are they like Mandarain, live only on copepods, other small pods. (very hard to sustain) Or can they be easily trained to take brine mysis etc? Thanks!
  14. okie.. i think his mailbox is now flooded with PM.. hahaha
  15. Iwarna, super sun coral tank. still have goose bumps when i see it...
  16. anyone has a complete 2 feet tank to let go? if not, looking for the following - Hang on Skimmer, Prizm? Jebo? - 2 Feet Light PL or T5 - Hang on Filter please PM me! Thanks!!
  17. my angel also kanna swollen eye (1 only) but after 3 days. then okie liao.. still not sure what happen, kanna poke by other fish???
  18. Has anyone try calling Coralfarm to ask about price? I am very gian about the Golden angel but their price very asspensee. Got tight budget!!!
  19. Hi Guys! Want to let go the following 2 fishes: - Tomato Clown 2 inches (should be female, darker colour) Free! - Blue Tang 2 inches (head to tail) $15 no pics yet Both fishes with me for more than half a year, eat all sorts of food! Letting go to reduce bio-load! Please contact me at 9748-1773, collection at Potong pasir after 8pm. Will prefer establish tanks!
  20. majestic 2 inches from head to tail? How long u kept it? thanks!
  21. btw, i think all fish type sand shifter are unable to keep long in captivity. maybe due to nitrate poison??
  22. sign. i think my orange plate cana also see the skeleton a bit liao... jialat.. try feeding with mysis in the daytime but useless...
  23. okie I also need help with Plate coral. I have a orange plate that refuse to open during day time lighting. but at night when i switch off my lights liao then it will open big big. (behaviour abit like suncoral rite) another green plate in my same tank behave normally. any idea why?? thanks!
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