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Everything posted by spaceman

  1. Hi! I think this is a type of Finger leather. Color is purplish grey Too big for my nano tank, so letting go. Please refer to pic which show how it looks like when fully "opened" around 4inches big. attached to a rock. Hope to let go by Tuesday night. Self collect at Potong Pasir! Of course piority will be given to people who can give me a small token like mushies or anything nice Please PM or leave a message here! (under white light) (under blue light)
  2. Hi! how do we know or identify the fishes are being caught by Cyanide in LFS? any symptons like swollen belly? or do we just ask the LFS?
  3. okie (touch wood) Still swimming in my tank this morning!! I like this fish personality. sleep at the same spot around 11pm every nite. wake up earlier than me! hahaha I think all wrasse display the same characteristic!!
  4. yah tried feeding that guy.. apparently he is much more interested with the other fishes body than the food!! hahah...... stress... anyway thanks for the feedback guys!
  5. oh dear..... keeping my finger cross... any successful cases here?
  6. ARRRgggh... got a very nice flame electric scallop!! 1st night was flashing away at the side of my tank! 2nd nite hidden deep inside my life rock!! sign*....
  7. Hi! just got a yellow headed cleaner wrasse! Great fish! swim like a mosquito flying around my fishes, looking for parasite to eat?? Any tips to take care of this guy? how to feed? Thanks!!
  8. Hi! I am looking for copepods or Amphipods too! Dare not collect them from bench cause scared collected bad parasite... does anyone has such a problem? Very Willing to adopt them!! please PM me! thanks!!
  9. my friend (same prob) was given Pes C not sure C(wat)L(wat) anyway he was diagnosed when trying for pilot. he was also a cross country runner! 2.4km around 7mins+
  10. okie i think i am the most "guilty" one. 2 BTang 1 Bicolor 1 Tomato Clown 1 PT 1 Algae Blenny in my 2 feet x 1 feet tank.....
  11. Hi! does anyone know whether LCK110 is open on Good Friday? Thanks!
  12. haha, my seahare also got stuck between life rock!! the backside too big to squeeze through too! clear very little algae b4 it die I prefer the spiny strombus (not sure the spelling) some snail like guys. 5 of them clear up my algae in my 2 feet tank around 1 week
  13. i heard b4 foxface is also a good algae cleaner. Experts can help me confirm?
  14. let me add blue leg hermit. nice strong guy who like to crawl around eating algae together with my coralline algae... pest to me hahahaha
  15. haha.. anymore "waste $$$" craby stuff to add in??!!
  16. Started this hobby w a 2 feet tank because I am a big fan of marine crabs and shrimp!! BUT.... very often u buy a crab or shrimp, they will go into hiding and never to be seen again... very disappointing, almost a waste of $$ below are the list of them and my remarks... 1. pom pom crab: hiding in the dark, very rarely seen him in action unless switch off light 2. Bumble Bee shrimps: All 3 MIA since i put them in my tank. only seen once briefly 3. Purple boxer: hiding in the dark, very rarely seen him in action unless switch off light 4. Majestic lobster: Hiding in my LR. can only see the claws once in a while... 5. ###### Shrimp: Good stuff! dance around my coral every night hide in the day 6. cleaner Shrimp: the only guy I can see him every day w my fish! 7. sally light foot: another MIA guy... not sure alive or dead Total $$$ spent = almost $100!! but very little satisfaction gain.....
  17. yah.. plate coral CAN move! it will 'balloon' itself up then slowly float away to a new place! okie i think i will buy one! thanks guys!
  18. haha.. unable, cause will block my yuma at the back!!
  19. Got a sand bed area with strong water current. lousy area, once placed a mushies rock there, within a week, 2 pieces float away... thinking of getting a plate coral instead! either orange or other normal one. are they suitable? anyone living around potong pasir interested to let go? thanks!!
  20. Hi Fuel, thanks for the info. now i know why my soldier crab also die within 2 days.... now feeling guilty....
  21. hi initerested in the following! Got pics? Blasto (Red) Prata (Red) Yuma - Orange, Purple & Green - Not those normal green f. Ric? Some mushroom Blue & Red
  22. Received lots of enquires asking me how much.. Decide to sell at $16
  23. Collection place will be at Potong Pasir.
  24. Got an extra Blue tang to let go! Size: 2 inches (body + tail) Reason: reduce bioload History: bought from another reefer last dec & with me for at least 3 months, Eat: eating cyclopeeze , brine, formulae 1 = very greedy fish... Please offer me your best price! But willing to trade for corals too!! here's my HP 97481773 for fast deal, hope to close deal at my place by this weekend (need time to catch too! )
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