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Everything posted by spaceman

  1. This very big hairy mushroom also avaliable for sale or trade!
  2. Want to sell the above. $8 if got corals to trade, will give higher piority. Self collect at Potong Pasir Please contact me at 97481773 to close the deal early! Thanks!
  3. Just bought 2 pieces from him last night! great guy! my one already open fully this morning. 2inches diameter across! great for my nano tank.
  4. the shape is quite funny now, i think it is splitting!
  5. Want to trade the following: 1 quite big green Rhodactics, i think if open fully could be 3 inches across! attached to rock. why? got similar colour Rhodactics in my nano tank liao, want to have diversity!! Willing to trade for any corals!!! or 6 line wrasse / blennys Will like to close the deal by this weekend! oh yah, exchange place will be at Potong Pasir! Please PM or sms me at 97481773 Thanks! pic just taken
  6. check with Golden Octopus. I think i saw one yesterday. anyway those coral in their "display tank" are also 4 sale
  7. I think recently saw a very chio blenny at Henry place , got a bluish/pinkish body with yellow shoulder. any idea wat blenny is dat?!?!!
  8. Thanks for the update! but will prefer 2nd hand fish! hahaha
  9. very dead rock... giving away but please (if possible) give a small token lah! small mushies, zoos, anything Please self collect at Potong Pasir by this sunday! thanks!
  10. Staying at Potong Pasir, so prefer east side or Central not too big max 2.5 inches! please PM me! thanks!
  11. Thread close. Mandarin has been collected!
  12. Got a mandarin fish up for adoption... abt 2 inches Please self collect at my place, Potong Pasir. Will like to close deal by end of this week! Looking for a better home for this guy so please PM me how long you have kept your tank and also your tank size!! Thanks!!
  13. left only a few pieces of Sand dollar. Will like to clear by today! Please contact me at 97481773 thanks!
  14. response no good.. final reduce to $5. Any takers? hope to clear by this weekend cause next week will not be in town. Please contact me at my handphone Thanks! Sanddollars will help to clear algae and detrius from sandbed!
  15. upzz!! hope to clear by next sunday!
  16. oh yah, if got coral frags for my small Nano tank, will gladly consider too!!
  17. Hi! I have some sand dollars to let go... Selling at $8 per piece if buy more will give discount! Please PM me or contact me at 97481773 Also self collect at Potong Pasir Ave 1 Blk 107! Thanks!! Come & listen to GE rally then collect also can!!
  18. okie have not seen my yellow head cleaner wrasse for 2 nights liao (day time working ) I think gone up lorry liao. lesson learnt: This fish is very likely unsuitable for aquarium. please try to avoid it! Thanks!!
  19. I thought i bought a leather.... it looks like a small toadstool x devil's finger leather with a very bumpy surface! then i put into my tank. went out to have dinner when i come back it has become like this: must have expand at least 3x it's original size!?! is this another type of finger leather? really caught me by surprise. quite sure it is not califlower.... thanks!!
  20. Sorry has a function to attend on Tues Night. Please try to collect on Wednesday night! thanks!!
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