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Everything posted by 900801

  1. Not sure why the last photo can't load but hopefully it works now.
  2. http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj300/900801/0DC3254F-5889-4B37-8079-658C02E6ECFC_zps8z3kxm35.jpg[\IMG]
  3. Add on was in Perth recently too and happen to chance upon a freshwater and marine shop. [imghttp://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj300/900801/CAA8481D-F467-4CD9-968E-FF92179CEBA9_zpsvd2doyjg.jpg]
  4. Thanks mod for helping me switch the thread to the correct section. Update of the tank with a video. Looks better on the phone then on the com. Only new fishes is a jawfish at the sump compartment. Updates with picture when they have started eating and build a burrow. Currently in the process of prepping my 3 tier 3ft tank but im missing a middle tank because it has to be custom made as with the standard 3x1.5x1.5 i wont have any room space. That tank will mostly be cycling for 5 months plus with some seed media from the main tank.
  5. Read that they can be killed by gluing it. Did I do it right?
  6. Is this considered tiger jawfish/ black cap jawfish? Can't seem to be able to find much info about them on sgreef other than the other types of jaw fish. Sand bed is about 2"thick. Anyone able to help?
  7. Cool. Thanks bro. Looks like it's a pest. Will remove it. Luckily it's still in the quarantine tank.
  8. Need help to Id this worm like creature. Doesn't look like feather worm to me. Will post a short video later.
  9. Yup but there was only 4 pieces when I was there. Not sure if still have any left.
  10. Trial run. Cured for 48 hour and did a full fresh water flush for 4hrs before swapping over. Works alright. Might try with the 4ft soon or when I find a thicker tank. Maybe 8mm.
  11. Yup that's why I plan to do actually. I plan to fill 3ft tanks with the chaeto. If it grows well. If not will switch to the algae U mention.
  12. And I already have chaeto in the current 2ft tank already. So just swap over.
  13. Oh ic thanks bro. Will try it for the 3ft sump. Cos If the chaeto tumbles it seems soothing haha. Lol.
  14. Yea the second glass but the rest is ok. When I realised it, it was too late the silicon dried up.
  15. Oh ic. Thanks bro. Will try it out.
  16. Thanks bro. No it's w2 that runs stops I think w1 is continuous.
  17. First row, media Second row is chaeto and sand ( maybe when mature will add a mandarin fish or goby) Last one is return pump.
  18. Thanks bro. Yup I watched YouTube regarding the fragging. No I pry it gently.
  19. Hi, recently got some toadstool coral but the rock that came with it had a lot of worms and cyano on it. Took both the coral out and glued it to a new rock but one keeps coming out. Happened twice. I'm using the blue tube glue at the counter of the lfs. Any tips?
  20. Vinegar bath can liao? How long to do regular clean?
  21. That's what I was thinking too but I read that with the additional glass panel it will reduce pressure for the tank. Just Diy my 2ft sump tank as a test. Abit untidy. Trial for the 4feet. .
  22. What about rw4 just got it last week. On w2 mode. Which mode is better so that it'll last longer?
  23. Hi, like to check if it's feasible to diy a sump from an existing freshwater tank. Planning to convert to marine but the tank is 5mm condition about 6-7 out of 10. Tank size is 4ft by 1.5 by 1.5. I've all the glass already since I stripped my 3ft tanks. Just need to cut to size. I tried using a diamond cutter but the tipped looks like it got scrapped. Did I scrape it too hard? Still can't break the glass though. Seen youtube on it but still have trouble. Any help/advice would be great. Thanks:)
  24. Possible. Thanks bro foo_pat and Drahc. Yea but I don't want to speak too soon too because the tank is coming close to 2 months old. Still considered new and lots to learn still. Will monitor and see how it goes. My nitrate is about 20ppm. As for phosphate I do not have a test kit but feeding my fishes roughly 4 times or more.
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